Example sentences of "[pron] mother when [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A good time ? ’ asked my mother when we returned .
2 So did my mother when I told her .
3 Thus I was , albeit subconsciously , prepared for his death , and I recall saying to my mother when she broke the , news one morning that " I thought something like this might happen . "
4 My mother when she wanted anybody to turn off the wireless used to say .
5 After one or two walks over the hills together the girl preferred to stay at home so the mother went on her own ; on one of these occasions Peony had actually tidied up and got tea ready and gone a little way along the track to meet her mother when she saw her coming up the hill .
6 COUNCILLORS are likely to consider whether the 11-year old girl at the centre of a Home Alone storm should be returned to her mother when she returns from her Spanish holiday , it emerged yesterday .
7 A carer , worn out by the unending demands of her task , shakes her mother when she spits out her tablets .
8 For many years , Marek wrote , he had believed his mother when she said his father had been killed in a car accident .
9 He was going to face up to his mother when he got home and have it out .
10 This personage reflected , somewhat grimly , that the first thing he should have to teach his little charge would be to appear to address himself to his mother when he spoke to her — especially not to make her such an Improper answer as that ( 6 ) .
11 ‘ But where 's your wife , dear Angel ? ’ cried his mother when he arrived .
12 I said to me mother when we start , Go to work Monday , holiday Tuesday , go to work Wednesday and holid and holiday Thursday and then Friday .
13 For instance : ‘ You should lose weight ’ , ‘ You should n't be so inarticulate at work ’ , ‘ You should n't pursue money as a goal ’ , ‘ You should be kinder to your mother when she phones for a long chat . ’
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