Example sentences of "[pron] must have had a " in BNC.

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1 I must have had a fight every two days , ’ he said .
2 If it was Monday morning , I must have had a skinful the night before .
3 ‘ I 'm sorry , I must have had a bad dream and screamed in my sleep . ’
4 I must have had a death wish choosing that .
5 Someone must have had a word with the band about their playing after the last tour and subsequent departure from east west Records because this show as a 200pc better affair .
6 Lavenham , which must have had a population approaching 1,000 and ranked as one of the dozen or so richest towns in the kingdom , went into decline following the death of the great clothier Thomas Spring in 1523 .
7 You must have had a reason . ’
8 Or ‘ In the old days you had no government but you collected taxes from passers-by : you must have had a treasury ? ’
9 Miss Taylor , you must have had a very eventful life — if you could choose to live a part of that life again , which decade would you choose ?
10 You must have had a full life ? ’
11 Moving on , erm in te you know obviously you must have had a fair amount of c you said you had a fair amount of contact with erm tenants in the flats .
12 So assuming it was n't bad manners or simply an oversight , you must have had a reason . ’
13 I suppose I was too young and naïve to realise that you must have had a very active sex life before you met me .
14 You must have had a hard month of it , ’ she said .
15 You must have had a reason .
16 She must have had a posting , or else obtained her demob while I was still at Binbrook , because I have a distinct memory of Sheila hammering nails into this crate before despatching it to her new destination , and scornfully refusing all help from J. , who was standing by with the hammer and nails .
17 " She must have had a fanciful imagination , or been delirious .
18 She must have had a life apart from what we know about and she 's living it , ’ she concluded , lamely .
19 Whoever his dearest Nina was , she must have had a hard time of it !
20 We fill grocery cartons with shoes that have the shape of living feet , a bulge on the left where she must have had a swollen joint ; I did not notice it while she was alive .
21 From the length of it , she must have had a truck waiting outside the check-out .
22 ‘ No idea — but I gather she must have had a wonky heart . ’
23 I think she must have had a really bad stroke .
24 They must have had a key , then ! ’
25 Henry could not quite work out why , since her pleasantness was not always followed by a request for money or some other favour ; perhaps she was remembering something he had quite forgotten , an incident during their courtship perhaps ( they must have had a courtship ) or a Henry , now lost to Henry himself , who could have inspired feelings such as pleasure .
26 This meant they must have had a hired car to take them to the airport or have gone by tube .
27 It may not be a good reason to us , but they must have had a good reason to do it , either family-wise or tension-wise , or because of life in general .
28 ‘ If somebody killed him they must have had a motive , but what ?
29 They must have had a lot of replies , ’ said Penelope .
30 That meant that they must have had a good sexual relationship too .
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