Example sentences of "[pron] would make the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , I 'd make the land around the barn blend and unify with the surrounding area ; it would merge with and reinforce the horizon beyond — harmonise rather than stick out like a sore thumb . ’
2 He was chosen for Scotland 's tour of North America in May , played in four of the six games , including the two non-cap Tests , and scored three tries : ‘ I was delighted to go but I never thought for a moment that I would make the Test side .
3 I would make the observation that when er you come
4 Erm it 's er it 's er entirely up to you obviously wh wh whether you take , where y you take your advice , but erm I would make the point that if you 're retiring in the next year or so , erm best to take advice erm relatively early , you know maybe two to three months before you retire .
5 I would make the point that it has taken thirty five years for us to reach this point where we have comprehensive strategy for York , we have battled with er various greenbelt boundaries in the past , I think there has never been erm a total review development plan requirements for the Greater York area , no more of its implications on possible greenbelt boundaries , we now have that and the greenbelt local plan , Southern Ryedale local plans are being progressed on the basis of that strategy , and there are other plans in the pipeline .
6 The open client A P I would make the network seamless .
7 Mr Harrison has called for an urgent meeting with EC officials to restate the case for intervention funding which would make the yard more attractive to potential purchasers .
8 Neither side will concede the real ambiguity in the evidence , ambiguity which would make the believer uncomfortable in his or her faith , and the unbeliever open to doubt in his or her unwillingness to believe .
9 The occupational therapist 's main role is to assess the patient 's physical needs , and provide appropriate equipment to make daily life easier for both patient and carer , so that they do not expend unnecessary energy on functional tasks which would make the patient 's condition worse , and possibly harm the carer too .
10 Sieve them through the mouli having first strained off surplus liquid which would make the fool watery .
11 The CIA was concerned that early drafts included common equipment that exists in school labs , which would make the system both ridiculous and unworkable .
12 A list of benefits which would make the cost of whichever treatment you choose well worthwhile .
13 And as I said , I spoke to the supervisor , switchboard supervisor , Di Combes , when we were setting up the course , and asked her what sort of things she would like to put across at a course like this which would make the switchboard 's job easier .
14 It is not allowed to engage in securities trading or insurance , which would make the merger difficult as NMB is one of the leading options traders in the Netherlands .
15 This starts to look like a way of thinking which would make the task of school management part of the work of all teachers .
16 The Chairman of Aerospatiale , the French aerospace group , commented that the proposed merger ( together with that between Daimler Benz and Messerschmitt under consideration at the same time ) risked setting a trend towards diversified national groupings , which would make the task of creating a European aerospace industry , capable of competing with the US , more difficult .
17 In addition to classroom support Mrs says that Paul needs general support for three hours per evening in relation to his er social well being in his leisure activities three hours per evening for the four evenings a week which he spends at school , in relation to this I think it right to bear in mind Mr evidence about the school , being a special school of course has generous staffing levels , staffing levels which would make the mouth of any head teacher of any other school water I suspect .
18 These external pressures meant that he was writing " Little Gidding " quickly but mechanically ; the material was not properly seasoned and the first version of the poem lacked the presence of concealed private memories which would make the language cohere .
19 And then she 'd make the jump and glide to my fist .
20 All the things were designed by Natasha Kornilof or another woman called Anne Proctor , and maybe she 'd make the introduction and David would meet them , but then she would follow it through and make sure the arrangements were done and the house was kept great when they lived in Oakley Street .
21 She thought , child of an experimental scientist that she was , that she would make the test for herself and not take the easy way out of asking those experts in all matters Anglican , Theodora and Ian .
22 She would make the disaster serve her rather than drag her under .
23 She would make the transition .
24 She would make the poet 's lunch , starting with the radio playing but switching it off after a time because he believed that people should be able to do without background noise .
25 The captain will then inform the umpires who would make the decision whether the game should be suspended or whether the players should leave the field .
26 I mean it 's a case of of what time we 'd make the journey is n't it ?
27 I said that we would make the trip to Montparnasse one night and sing around the " Coupole " and the " Dome " for Reggie , my parents and their friends , but my father said he would pay us a lot of money to stay away .
28 In an album deal at IRS , we would make the band an offer based on the percentage royalty points which we thought were appropriate , having worked out a budget to make a record .
29 The Labour leader told her that no matter what changes she had in mind , nothing would make the poll tax fair .
30 On examination , the car had been cut badly and now instead of a neat hole which the teeth of the cog could grab , the hole was broken and nothing would make the machine accept this card .
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