Example sentences of "[pron] would have [been] better " in BNC.

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1 Aye , it seems I 'd have been better letting it run on the blooming thing .
2 ‘ Now I think I would have been better with a woman , as you are , no ?
3 She 'd have been better with someone nearer her own age , ’ the old woman murmured to herself .
4 Con always knew where to stop , and he knew where you should stop as well , and if you did n't , he reminded you that you 'd have been better following his example . ’
5 You 'd have been better changing one .
6 ‘ Maybe , if we had had children , she would have been better .
7 It 'd have been better if I 'd told him to go ahead up against the tree .
8 It 'd have been better if I 'd kept them two .
9 But he 'd have been , he 'd have been better , well well he would n't have done .
10 He would have been better still , however , to have decided differently , and to have agreed to at least some of the cases being re-examined for possible pardon .
11 ‘ If he 'd gone away a long time ago , it would have been better , ’ said Mrs Clancy wryly .
12 I feel it would have been better to include this as a subheading to each mountain .
13 It would have been better if he had praised us no matter what anyone said , ’ Sheila said when the girls were alone with Rose , disappointed that he had failed to support them in public no matter what his intentions were .
14 On reflection , the owner felt that it would have been better adopt the traditional method of ‘ tanking ’ the semi-basement lower floor with in situ asphalt .
15 The logical re-use of existing services has led to the retention of the overly utilitarian postwar outshot when it would have been better to demolish it and to restore the four-square appearance of the pre-war building .
16 I felt afterwards it would have been better not to make such an effort to finish it all .
17 So I said : ‘ It would have been better if we had never met . ’
18 For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness . ’
19 OK , so relations were unsteady with little brother right now , but it would have been better than this .
20 The thought crept into him that it would have been better if there had have been trees outside .
21 It would have been better for it to have a uniformly brown plumage .
22 Third , it would have been better to use freelances whose connection with the DGSE could have been denied , whereas both Mafart and Prieur made telephone calls to DGSE numbers in France when first arrested .
23 From the transmission point of view , it would have been better to site a new station on the South coast , he said .
24 Before he died in 1811 , an opium-addicted pauper in Marylebone Workhouse , he may have reflected that it would have been better had he never left the low-lying fields of Huntspill .
25 Perhaps it would have been better for them if they had gone straight to hostels or agricultural training camps .
26 It would have been better for her to have an abortion , but by the time she told her mother it was too late , so she kept the baby .
27 Last night the Foreign Office said : ‘ We can see now it would have been better if the advice had not been given . ’
28 It would have been better to build secure mortuaries rather than putting one 's money into an expensive contraption .
29 It was an enormously thorough and comprehensive review of the case , running to four volumes and more than 1200 pages , yet it would have been better if it had been half the length and taken half the time .
30 It would have been better if she had kept a low profile . ’
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