Example sentences of "[pron] will be talk to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He has n't done anyone any favours and I 'll be talking to him about it .
2 Erm I 'll be talking to him tonight .
3 ‘ Then I 'll be talking to the fraud squad and to Special Branch .
4 I 'll be talking to our diplomatic correspondent , David Spannier , later in the programme .
5 I 'll be talking to them all individually and in some detail tomorrow .
6 I 'll be talking to John Hume , the leader of the S D L P , according to Mr Major his talks with Gerry Addams are at the end of the road .
7 I 'll be talking to arch modernizer Harriet Harman , and John Cole takes a sideways look at the Chancellor 's dilemma as he prepares his first budget .
8 ‘ His approach showed no respect and I 'll be talking to his coach . ’
9 I 'll be talking to Mike in a minute .
10 I think Amber has had some during biology but it is not enough and I will be talking to the Parent Teachers Association about it . ’
11 See a chap at work he 's sort of day dream , you 'll be talking to him and he 's miles away
12 ‘ And then you 'll be talking to my father about buying the club . ’
13 Tommy Cooper talking at length about when he ruled at the Den and we 'll be talking to about his Norwegian career and his arrival at the City ground .
14 And we 'll be talking to the N S P C C in a few moments .
15 That 's just about it from us for tonight … apart from to say that the film star Warren Beatty is in the region and we 'll be talking to him in tomorrow night 's programme …
16 Later in the programme we 'll be talking to their two victims .
17 In a moment we 'll be talking to the show organisers , but first let's go back to the studio and Harriet .
18 IT 'S DAD 'S WEEK in the Echo and every day we 'll be talking to famous sons and daughters about the favourite man in their lives their dad .
19 Finally , we 'll be talking to Paul about the best selling records of all time in the country , guess what 's number one ?
20 A police spokesman said : ‘ We will be talking to the girl in the morning .
21 IT 'S Father 's Week in your Echo and every day we will be talking to famous sons and daughters about the favourite man in their lives their dad .
22 We will be talking to contractors working in the Town Hall and any member of the public who may have been in the building . ’
23 A DTI spokesman said : ‘ We will be talking to councils about how we can produce a set of figures that 's more acceptable to everybody . ’
24 They will be talking to local people , organisations and authorities and writing a report on the route 's suitability for upgrading .
25 It will be talked to death for weeks ! ’ she added with another laugh .
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