Example sentences of "[pron] will be [art] need " in BNC.

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1 There 'll be no need of a lantern , friends , ’ called Jonadab from the open doorway .
2 ‘ Two volleys of cannon-fire will clear them away , ’ the Colonel explained , ‘ and there 'll be no need for our side to suffer any casualties .
3 Once the technique has been perfected there 'll be no need to hide the truth . ’
4 Madam Deputy Speaker , erm there 'll be no need for any pruning from the chair because I had just mentioned the word banks at the very point that you madam speaker , got up and I can assure that er pruning would not be in order .
5 There 'll be no need for anything like that , ’ said Charlie ‘ I 'm up from Whitechapel and the only bowing and scraping you 'll be doing in future will be for the customers . ’
6 I hope there 'll be no need
7 A spokeswoman for the Council of Mortgage Lenders said : ‘ Some lenders are imposing bans on all concrete buildings , but once the new test is operational there will be no need for such caution . ’
8 Watch children engrossed in a book from which they are learning about reading , and there will be no need to ask where the fundamental satisfaction lies ’ .
9 When your policy becomes due for renewal there will be no need to complete a fresh application and direct debit instruction .
10 In many cases there will be no need for an interview and the matter can be dealt with by return of post .
11 Even in making oneself more aware in preparation for a choice , it will be enough that one can identify which would be the relatively stronger inclination in the fullest attainable awareness ; there will be no need to experience it in its full intensity or to prolong it after the choice .
12 That will be sufficient to oblige me to choose the inclination which I felt increasing pari passu with intensifying awareness , after which choice there will be no need to go on agonizing over his plight , which might even impair my efficiency as a helper .
13 There will be no need for a further cut in UK interest rates , even if the Bundesbank decides to opt for cheaper money as its own recession deepens .
14 There will be no need to rescue a top 20 society this year , ’ he confidently predicts .
15 I myself shall be there , since it is clearly expected of me , and thus there will be no need of a chaperon .
16 ‘ Please , ’ she said again , interrupting him , ‘ there will be no need .
17 Since the assumption is that the child will carry around any new linguistic knowledge , there will be no need to take any account of the environment within which the teaching takes place .
18 If you wish to keep the dog 's bed outside your sitting room , in the kitchen for example , you can still provide a bean bag so there will be no need for your dog to climb on the furniture .
19 When such a society is possible , there will be no need for the state , nor indeed for democracy .
20 I recommend that you use a good brush and learn to paint with it well ; if you can master using the brush there will be no need to mess around with varnishes , which in my case will alter the appearance of the painting .
21 In another there will be no need to speak at all .
22 If the driver claims this right and then fails to provide the specimen duly required under section 7(4) , the sanction for that failure will be the use in evidence against him of the breath specimen which , ex hypothesi , proves an excess of alcohol above the statutory limit and accordingly in such case there will be no need , though it may be theoretically possible , to prosecute for a failure to provide a specimen without reasonable excuse under section 7(6) .
23 If you genuinely do n't eat any of the foods that we suggest you test in one of the weeks of Stage II , there will be no need for you to follow the instructions for that week .
24 The officers responsible for these areas are all based at Northway so there will be no need for people to go from office to office in search of an answer .
25 Lastly , it must always be kept in mind that there will be no need to register financing devices which the law of personal property does not treat as charges ; for example , title reservation .
26 Replying on behalf of Chris Patten , the then chairman of the Conservative Party , Geoffrey Finsberg , stated : ‘ The Prime Minister has made it very clear that there will be no need to increase VAT in the next government .
27 There will be no need for that .
28 It is assumed that there will be no need for as great a level of close supervision and scrutiny as that required at lower levels , and that successful candidates will , apart from occasional stylistic errors and slips , be able to carry out successfully all the linguistic tasks and employer might set .
29 Note that because of complete certainty there will be no need for either initial margin or variation margin , so strategy 2 involves neither cash inflows nor cash outflows during the life of the contract .
30 There will be no need for a " hive-up " of the trade to Newco after completion .
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