Example sentences of "[pron] from all [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 People might come to hear you from all over the world .
2 I showed Rudi what I wanted and now he gets requests for them from all over the world .
3 Mr Morraine spent most of his time dusting his collection of strange-looking rocks and stones he had sent to him from all over the world .
4 The quite excellent British Museum Press , which is managing to produce some twenty scholarly titles this season , from books to accompany exhibitions to detailed descriptions of archaeological digs , has profited from the private entertainment of its former director , Sir David Wilson , to produce a delightful book of funerary inscriptions gathered by him from all over the British Isles and America .
5 Hawkshead Grammar School was at the highest point of its reputation when Wordsworth arrived ; boys were sent to it from all over the north-west of England and even from Scotland .
6 In 1974 the great International Congress on World Evangelisation was held in Lausanne and thousands of delegates came to it from all over the world .
7 Ducts , pipes and cables ran into it from all round the edges of the dome .
8 ‘ They send stories about us from all over the world and they charge $1.25 a clipping .
9 Our clothes came at us from all over the room .
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