Example sentences of "[pron] for [pron] [verb] about " in BNC.

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1 If all were clear , undilemmatic and utterly consistent for the members of a society , there would be nothing for them to argue about , and thereby nothing about which to deliberate .
2 ‘ That 's nothing for them to smile about , ’ I said , quite shocked at their callousness .
3 She 'd reassure him over and over that she was fine , she was safe , there was nothing for him to worry about , and Ashdown would then ring Joe and pass along anything new or helpful that he 'd been able to pick out of the conversation .
4 There 's nothing for you to worry about . ’
5 So you see , ’ putting on a sweet smile , ‘ there is really nothing for you to worry about , Major Calder . ’
6 Nothing for you to worry about , Scotty , ’ Hitch told him .
7 Celia Haddon comments , ‘ There is something for everyone to worry about . ’
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