Example sentences of "[pron] have [adv] known it " in BNC.

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1 If I had n't known it was him I would have just walked past him . ’
2 way I 've ever known it so it is
3 I 've always known it .
4 I 've never known it this bad .
5 " But I 've never known it to fail "
6 I 've been in the trade for 29 years and I 've never known it this bad .
7 Cos I said to him I 've never known it as slack as this in , in the few weeks before christmas .
8 No I 've never known it to go off before either .
9 I 've never known it that full before .
10 I 've never known it as that .
11 As a matter of fact , I 've only known it happen once when a new submarine was doing trials .
12 ‘ What no-one can deny is that I have Scottish blood in me , and I have always known it was there ’ , he said .
13 In less than half an hour , the rapture has vanished into the ether , and Highbury is once more what I have always known it to be — a refuge for depressives and malcontents , whingers and whiners .
14 The way she 'd always known it , when you decided to throw a party , you threw a party ; you pushed back the furniture , you got all the food together yourself , you invited close friends who knew each other and for a while you let them invade your most private and personal space .
15 Ronni suspected that was probably true and that she 'd always known it .
16 Ah , well yes I know you 've always known it
17 She had n't known it was possible to feel so afraid .
18 Now Chesarynth 's throat worked — she had n't known it was going to , did n't know why it should — and her own voice scratched the poor air that smelt only of hospitals .
19 Edmund had been dead for months and she had n't known it .
20 She had whispered her own last goodbye at a Liverpool dockyard gate , though she had not known it .
21 Life , for the short space of a few weeks , was better than she had ever known it .
22 He helped her to her feet , anxiously dusting her coat , apologizing , undistressed , so courteous and unconfused that she felt that he had conferred upon her a favour , and to her amazement she heard her own voice answering , with equal , answering ease , assuring him that no , she was not hurt , no , of course it was not his fault , yes , it certainly was the roughest she had ever known it .
23 But all her senses were alert , aware — her body suddenly more alive than she had ever known it .
24 Although it was a large fire , she had never known it have more than one bar on at a time .
25 Now this woman had always been aware of the as a child , she had always known it , it had n't be unconscious in the sense she 'd forgotten it , but it had been isolated , it has been given a new name , and ca unfortunately I ca n't remember what it was , but it was , it was completely er innocuous , the name was the term she used was totally innocuous .
26 The material amenities of life increased , at least in Western society , and prosperity came to many who had never known it before .
27 He emphasized the surname slightly , knowing he was being unfair because they had n't known it during those first days when Bacci had sat by her bedside .
28 One week after our chat Jeff hit Ilona with divorce proceedings and everyone in the art world crowed that they had always known it would n't last .
29 Well the thing is Dianne and and Charles , they have n't known it , it 's never worked from day one
30 Behind all of this lies the sportsman 's desire to avoid entering the world of common man , a world in which he clocks in and out and collects his wage packet , a world that seems grey , though he has never known it , a world in which he is not stretched , a world that does not bring such pain or pleasure .
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