Example sentences of "[pron] have fallen [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Separate studies by the Roper Organisation , a research group , and DDB Needham , an ad agency , have found that the proportion of shoppers seeking out particular brands and willing to pay more for them has fallen sharply since the late 1980s .
2 And then how would I have felt , she asked herself as she hurled the jeep down the motorway , finding that I 'd fallen again for a man as cold and hard as that — finding out when it was too late what he was really like ?
3 By the time I was 22 , I 'd run up nearly £4,000 in debt , and was beginning to fall behind with the payments because I rested sending money off to pay for clothes I 'd fallen out of love with .
4 She added , ‘ He 's very good to Margaret ’ , and I felt that simultaneously she had nodded towards the past while affirming the present and that I had fallen somewhere between the two : nothing but the body of a ghost , nebulous and deserted .
5 Darren had been dead a couple of months ; I had fallen out with my father and I 'd been in London for most of the summer , staying with Aunt Ilsa and her long-term companion , whose only name appeared to be Mr Gibbon , which I thought made him sound like a cat for some reason …
6 But I 've fallen on to the floor often enough to know how to get up .
7 The report made a series of recommendations on increasing CID strength , which has fallen sharply from 10 per cent of the force in 1973 to 7.4 per cent , despite an overall large increase in numbers and a recommendation by Her Majesty 's Inspectorate that provincial CIDs should make up 12.4 per cent of police .
8 The purple book , which had fallen on to the floor during the night , jogged his memory .
9 On the following day the share price index , which had fallen sharply during the previous year ( largely because funds had been siphoned from the stock exchange into real estate speculation ) , rose by almost 30 points , one of its biggest one-day gains .
10 He could always get old Benny Robinson , his helper , to sweep the place up and tie up the piles of cardboard , but Benny had already swept up twice that day and he was now busy sorting out bundles of twine which had fallen out of a damaged carton and become unwound .
11 The Brasserie , which they had hoped would equal L'Auberge 's trade , has only averaged 60 covers per day , and L'Auberge itself has fallen off from 90 in 1984 to 75 in 1985 .
12 that went out to erm making up argu , you know if you 'd fallen out with somebody you had to make up with them before the bells , and in fact what my granny did was to erm to empty the fire and to relay the fire for the new year
13 I said , anyway I said , I thought you 'd fallen out with Mandy .
14 Erm but I say there , there were a couple of erm objections that came up during the course of the conversation which really resulted because you , you 'd fallen down on the actual structure , but having said that then again there were two or three examples that you apacked and you got through very well and you , you recovered yourself well on that and , and I say really I think that 's er that 's covered most of the bits that , that I felt were , were there .
15 She 'd fallen desperately in love with a man who was n't in love with her , a man who 'd wanted her because she reminded him of a woman he wanted and could n't have .
16 and erm and that 's what erm , the teacher came and said she 'd fallen out of erm one of the , er I think she said bogeys or something ?
17 ‘ You ca n't stay in Ireland if you 've fallen out with them … please , darling Frank , come here to me . ’
18 And finally for Scorpio , It 's a day to make peace with those you 've fallen out with , because it really is n't much fun having all that bad feeling around .
19 Individualism will gradually assert itself — which does n't mean you 've fallen out of love , merely out of that phase of romantic love we confuse with the more lasting thing .
20 You 've fallen in with a right bad pair there , chief .
21 It was as if she had fallen out of a generous sky .
22 Mrs Ross ’ s condition had deteriorated ; she had fallen out of bed and it seemed she might have suffered a further stroke .
23 But by then the world knew that Diana loathed the sport — and suspected she had fallen out of love with Charles .
24 Tragic Victor Dudley , 59 , who had fallen behind with his mortgage after losing his job , was heartbroken at the thought of leaving the house where he had lived for 30 years .
25 When the trucks arrived we unloaded them , watching those who had fallen out on the march as they disembarked .
26 Thakin Ba Sein , the first leader of Do-Bama Asi-Ayone , who had fallen out with the younger Thakins and formed a rival party , came in .
27 Although Gundovald received open support from men who had fallen out with Guntram , or who had been left without a patron at Chilperic 's death , Theodore of Marseilles claimed that he had been ordered to receive Gundovald by Childebert 's magnates .
28 Meanwhile they replenished their land-holdings by conquest and by the confiscation of the estates of those who had fallen out of favour : rebels and criminals .
29 So she watched , and listened , and fell a little further , and when his bleep went she went back with him to the department and they worked side by side , communicating with a gesture or a word almost in silence , each anticipating the other 's needs as they dealt with a little girl who had fallen out of a tree and broken both arms and one leg .
30 Boyfriend Garry Curtis , of Bedhampton , Hants , dragged her to safety — and rescuers arrived to find the couple , who had fallen out at a party , kissing and hugging .
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