Example sentences of "[pron] have come [adv prt] from " in BNC.

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1 I had come down from London looking for a job .
2 That 's why I 've come over from the States , ’ Howard said .
3 I have n't been in here since I 've come back from Devon
4 One day Jesus said to his friends : I am the Bread of Life I am the living Bread which has come down from heaven Anyone who eats this bread Shall live for .
5 So get in the old shed and then we got a load of swedes , we put it in rack and we come out like chips , chips of raw swede , and then sugar beet pulp , which had come back from the factory .
6 He wants me to have some tinned pears which have come in from South Africa .
7 It is significant that one of the few occasions when the author of Ancrene Wisse hints at the contemplative experience occurs in his account of the behaviour appropriate at the Mass : ( After the kiss of peace in the Mass , when the priest communicates , forget the world , be completely out of the body , and with burning love embrace your Beloved who has come down from heaven to your heart 's bower , and hold Him fast until He has granted you all that you ask . )
8 The problem pupils who 've come back from the brink .
9 She had come over from the east with her Arab mother , who , once in Britain , had married a stranger in order to stay — rather like buying a spare part to save one 's life .
10 She had come in from work one evening to find her mother and father dead in each other 's arms .
11 Reproaching herself for not having unlocked it when she had come in from the main door , she rose quickly and went to open up .
12 She remembered that fated evening when she had come back from Wimbledon after seeing Hindley Foster .
13 Ever since that ghastly winter 's night when she had come back from Wimbledon and said she was pregnant .
14 When at last they lay quietly , her head resting on Luke 's shoulder , her hand spread against the damp warmth of his skin , Fran felt as though she had come back from some great journey that had shifted her conception and understanding of everything .
15 At the end of the match Comte Ghislain de Vogüé of Moët et Chandon , who had come over from France especially for the match and the luncheon that preceded it ; and Viscountess Marchwood , wife of the managing director of Moët et Chandon UK , presented the Moët et Chandon prizes , and Miss Liz Kershaw the publisher of Harpers & Queen presented the Harpers & Queen trophy .
16 Falling under the spell of an older , flamboyantly dressed and well-educated kinsman , Esme Stuart , who had come over from France , he was suspected of dangerously Papist leanings and of some unnatural sexual habits .
17 I had already employed an attendant , Toril , who had come over from Norway at the end of July to help me during and after my move .
18 Everyone was wandering around the house getting everything ready for my uncle who had come over from Nigeria .
19 He was a ‘ blackshirt ’ ( fascist ) and was one of fifty who had come up from London to act as stewards .
20 Ibn Fayoud looked at the place settings , noting that the few racing contacts he had been obliged to invite had sensibly been distributed among the more amusing people who had come up from London .
21 Last month PHILIP VANN looked at artists who had come up from the mines to become artists ; in this issue he concentrates on those artists who went down to the pit to paint
22 They were by now in Piccadilly Circus , which was as bright as day , and were surrounded by the crowds streaming from the theatres , cafés and dives which populated the area , painted ladies of a certain character being prominent among them — as well as the enthusiastic amateurs who had come up from the East End to make a few pennies , or even be given supper , as a price for their favours .
23 The volatility of the Cusqueños coupled with the increasing pressure among them of poor campesinos who had come down from the Andes to seek a better life stood in ironic contrast to the rigid panoply of the state ; a situation brought home to me on Easter Sunday .
24 Meantime , back at the Bourne , the crowd were treated to a display of power tennis from Duncan Knight who had come down from the David Lloyd Centre with Onny Parun .
25 Bernard Mullan , one of the Fascists who had come down from the Chelsea headquarters , was under arrest .
26 Apart from her father and her brother Niall who had come down from the watchtower , she was the tallest person present , and her fine clothes lent her a new self-confidence .
27 Not surprisingly , the stars of the night series final were the player who had come back from the World Cup .
28 Having a parasite is a very special , very intimate experience , as Bill Cater learned when he interviewed scientists and wildlife cameramen who had come back from exotic parts to discover that they 'd acquired various new things to share their lives with .
29 Of the new ‘ Nepmen ’ , two were Jews who had come in from some other guberniia , and the other three all had military experience but little capital in goods or cash .
30 The senior man , who had come in from Los Angeles to E.B.I.H.Q. after Erlich had left Washington , he 'd be everybody 's friend , he 'd have them eating out of his hand down at Counter-Terrorism , he 'd probably take out citizenship .
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