Example sentences of "[pron] have probably [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not really computer literate , I 've probably made a botch of things , and will most certainly use incorrect terminology ; please forgive !
2 Every time I turn around someone else has run off with it and I 've probably walked a good few office miles in its retrieval .
3 Well you 've probably got I 've probably got a better deal there .
4 I have probably missed a few esoteric cuisines and no doubt some of the possibilities you 'll see chalked up on the blackboard or down in the menus , but you 've got the general idea by now .
5 I have probably got a chance of getting tickets through Jack Charlton .
6 And I have to say that we 're talking about a limited number of people , that even if you deter half a dozen young fire setters in a year , you 'd probably made a fairly substantial impact in Shropshire .
7 I would have thought she 'd probably made a mistake somewhere along the line .
8 I think I think I think you 've probably stirred a hornets nest up with that .
9 You 've probably got a bit of cold coming on .
10 Erm but maybe this , this issue is , is , could be important in the sense that you , you 've got tt er if you take China as a whole you 've probably got well in excess of a million villages erm you 've probably got a denser population in the south than the north so you 've got more than half a million villages in the south
11 So you 've probably got a wide amount of interests
12 You 've probably got a bit of damp in there .
13 You 've probably sacrificed a lot to get to college — do n't let unresolved personal difficulties sabotage it for you .
14 She had probably broken a tiny blood vessel in the lung area and it was bleeding , but not seriously .
15 The kind of guy , thought Bernice , who had probably made a lovely baby but would be an embarrassing boyfriend .
16 The first is that you have probably developed a very poor selfimage which is reflected in your performance during interviews .
17 You have probably tried a variety of methods of losing weight with temporary success , only to find that the weight goes right back on again as soon as you return to your normal diet .
18 Knowing Stuart she 's probably got a little hole down there and he can just flop it out !
19 Erm so two pounds of that went with sale with the sale of the journal and so we can say we had twelve pounds unsolicited donations , erm as Peggy would back me up if she was here , saying that any time you ask someone to sign the flood gates open with what they thought about the position of pensioners , in fact we 've probably got a lot more signatures if they had n't , but erm , we did pick up , we , I picked up the news about Welwyn Garden City 's cost of and things like that not going through and erm , erm , now , our month our monthly , our monthly stall will not be on the third third Thursday this year , it will be on the fourth to co-inside with the week were celebrating pensioner 's week , which is a week behind National .
20 The answer was going to be that er , just as we look back on Darwin and do n't notice his Lamarckism , in , in a sense , Darwin was n't as Darwinian as we might now think , so we 've probably got a picture of Freud which is , er , more Freudian as it were , than Freud really was .
21 I do n't know , they 've probably gone a different way today
22 That 's right , they 've probably had a row half way there or something , and it just carries on , you know .
23 They 've probably got a few over here
24 If you should stroll into a pub and meet an analyst and a user talking about work , and you can not tell one from the other , they have probably developed a successful system together .
25 By 1624 he had probably become a client of George Villiers , first Duke of Buckingham [ q.v. ] , speaking strongly in favour of war with Spain , and in 1625 he was reported ‘ never out of my lord duke 's chamber and bosom ’ .
26 The doctors diagnosed that he had probably had a left-sided embolic stroke , and decided that he did not need surgery , so he was treated on the medical ward , where he remained for about seven months .
27 He 's probably got a private cache of cheap cider or meths hidden somewhere under a paving slab to help him nod off at nights , and a pile of newspapers to keep him warm .
28 He 's probably got a lot of contacts along the way for anything anything you want you ask him okay .
29 Go see Fred and he 's probably got a few more pounds ready available than
30 do n't know what he 's doing , he 's probably got a or something .
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