Example sentences of "[pron] be precisely because [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And it 's precisely because Hetfield 's gobbing has been taken into the equation , along with every other possible eventuality , that makes the truth of Metallica 's latest swagger towards that Biggest Band In The Known Universe mantle all the more remarkable : for this is fabulous , vital entertainment , far more than stage-managed hyperdrome extravaganzas ever deserve to be .
2 While in Germany ‘ there is much common ground between the Bundesbank and the government on economic objectives ’ , it is precisely because Pöhl knew that this national consensus did not exist in the Community at large that he and the German government insisted on means of enforcing German policies on the economies of the member states .
3 It is precisely because prisoners are shut away , lacking legal , moral and political respectability , held at the mercy of , and dependent on the goodwill of , the State , that a case can be made for vesting special positive rights in prisoners .
4 It is precisely because Berlin is such a true mirror of so much European history that it always seems to embody so much of the darker , subconscious side of the European identity .
5 It is precisely because Herbert Marcuse , for example , has retained the notion of the death instincts that he is to be seen as having advanced psychoanalytic sociology and social philosophy .
6 In the United States , however , it is precisely because churches are so full , and wealthy , that it is not easy to see that in fact secularisation in the form of ‘ laicisation ’ has gripped the church by the throat .
7 It is precisely because Mr Mugabe 's record is , in context , more than respectable , that the current repressive mood demonstrated by his government is disappointing .
8 It is precisely because market forces have in the long run caught up with the operation of the CAP , as they inevitably would , that we are in such trouble .
9 It is precisely because costs are passed on to third parties that we let them occur .
10 Indeed as Neuhaus has recognised ( 1986 ) it is precisely because religion has been forced out of the central corridors of power in America that the New Religious Right has managed to stride in with such urgency and rage .
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