Example sentences of "[pron] be found on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The conversion to resemble one of the USA tanks which were found on the Southern Railway after the Second World War has been pretty successful .
2 Highlights are two gold treasures , the ‘ Schatz von Hiddensee ’ , sixteen pieces of gold jewellery which were found on the shore of the Baltic , and the twenty-five piece set of jewellery of the empress Agnes .
3 The Spanish student who discovered them is now thought to have painted the cave with natural pigments but using modern rubber sponges , fragments of which were found on the walls .
4 There are three species , calocera glossoides , found mostly on dead oaks , calocera viscosa , found almost exclusively on dead conifers , and the one pictured calocera cornea which is found on a wide range of dead deciduous trees .
5 The easier one , therefore , is the brachial pulse which is found on the inside of the upper arm .
6 Please identify this coin which was found on the Thames foreshore .
7 A police spokesman said : ‘ He told them he could not wake his mummy who was found on the ground floor . ’
8 I mean have have they been found on the in the flats ? is there is dealing does de dealing go on ?
9 They are found on every continent with the exception of Antarctica , Iceland , Greenland and a few remote Polynesian islands .
10 They are found on the external genitalia and on the thighs , buttocks , and lower abdomen .
11 Sodium channels are uniquely found in animal cells , they 're not present in plants or fungi or bacteria , and they 're found on the plasma membrane , and their role is to carry out the depolarizing phase of an action potential .
12 A lot like the pig above , except that it 's found on the grasslands and savannah woodlands of eastern and south-eastern Africa , is slightly bigger , is more bristly than hairy and is a muddy colour .
13 Having seen how the courts control discretion when it is found on the Y level , it is necessary also to examine the control methods when discretion appears within , or is , the jurisdictional fact .
14 And so one morning he 's found on a plot of waste land in Dagenham , with both his knee-caps smashed to mush by a cricket bat .
15 He was found on the rocks beneath Kinghorn Ness ; his horse , his favourite white mare called Tamesin was near by .
16 His death certificate shows that he was found on the floor of his cow house on Christmas Eve 1887 , a day before his 71st birthday , having died from a heart attack .
17 He was found on the doorstep .
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