Example sentences of "[pron] be called [prep] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Had I been called upon to exercise my discretion , I would have given particular consideration to the great disturbance that I have found the residents suffer .
2 I PLEDGE a complete confidential relationship to those I am called upon to serve .
3 Afterwards I had no sense that I had been forgiven , but I had done what I was called upon to do and there it must rest .
4 As the only Englishman present at the conference in question , I was called upon to defend the late Dr Arkell 's change of usage .
5 Ken himself was called upon to act as a kind of bodyguard for Halliwell — which is only part of the near-farcical side of the relationship between the three of them .
6 … a sense of proportion is all important on the part of those who are called upon to judge .
7 This view is common to the ‘ Action Men ’ among Easton 's section police who are called upon to do what they consider is the job of the social services .
8 Nevertheless , there are dangers that too much haste puts at risk that necessary bond of mutual trust and co-operation between the policymaker and those who are called upon to implement policy .
9 In Rex v. Brighton Corporation , Ex parte Thomas Tilling Ltd. ( 1916 ) 85 L.J.K.B. 1552 , 1555 Sankey J. said : ‘ Persons who are called upon to exercise the functions of granting licences for carriages and omnibuses are , to a great extent , exercising judicial functions ; and although they are not bound by the strict rules of evidence and procedure observed in a court of law , they are bound to act judicially .
10 If you are called upon to plan a programme of independent items , such as those seen at the Reunion or at Area Rallies , consider the following points : —
11 ‘ My lord protector , ’ he said , ‘ you are called upon to assume the reins of government by the loyal citizens of London .
12 However , should you be called upon to speak at a grand , formal wedding you may feel that a more erudite speech is required .
13 Those who were called upon to defend non-payment of what they owed beyond the promised date were , as they had always been and were to go on being , in the minority .
14 Unlike the realist novelists of the nineteenth century , writers such as Balzac , Stendhal , Flaubert and Zola , who were called upon to depict individuals and social groups operating within a relatively stable , homogeneous society , the contemporary realist writer was required to portray a society in a state of turbulence , transformation and fundamental realignment .
15 And he is the-hero-as-artist , who is called upon to make just such recognitions , of the divinely eternal through the veil of the quotidian .
16 ‘ That is an inquisitorial power , which may work with great severity against third persons , and it seems to me to be obvious that such a section ought to be used with the greatest care , so as not unnecessarily to put in motion the machinery of justice when it is not wanted , or to put it in motion at a stage when it is not clear that it is wanted , and certainly not to put it in motion if unnecessary mischief is going to be done or hardship inflicted upon the third person who is called upon to appear and give information .
17 Nevertheless , it is , I think , salutary that the judge who is called upon to construe statutory language should ask himself whether the meaning that is urged upon him is one which can fairly be drawn by a person of reasonable intelligence ordinarily conversant with the English language .
18 ‘ The staff have been very generous with both their time and money , ’ said Lindsay who was called upon to hand over the £2,000 cheque during a get-together at The Old George pub in Newcastle .
19 According to Max Gluckman , gossip and scandal are ‘ among the most important societal and cultural phenomena we are called upon to analyse ’ .
20 … Whether , as a matter of expression , you say , as was said in the case of Watson v. Fram Reinforced Concrete Co . Ltd. , that this is to be explained by postulating a continuing duty , or merely projecting the relationship of duty into the future , or whether you regard it as possible to establish a breach of duty as at birth by reference to an act antecedent to the accrual of the cause of action , may be open to debate , but it has no bearing on the precise question we are called upon to answer , namely , whether the defendant owed a duty of care to the infant plaintiff .
21 We are called upon to make such statements in all sorts of circumstances in our constituencies and sometimes we do it slightly with tongue in cheek , but I can genuinely make such a statement about many homes .
22 No refunds will be made by Cosmos in the event of your ticket being lost or stolen nor can we be called upon to replace your ticket with a new one .
23 Pensioners are aware that they do not have to pay for ITV or any other channels but that they are called upon to pay for BBC television programmes .
24 The underlying point is that much more can and should be done than at present by librarians and information scientists to bring order and control to the myriad of business information sources that they are called upon to handle .
25 On the plus side , the young , all-action staff are enthustiastic and remain good-natured despite the number of postcard messages they are called upon to deliver to your table — for you to follow-up your ( hopefully ) successful telephone chat .
26 No more will they be called upon to prove themselves by engaging in certain prescribed activities and no longer need they safeguard their hard-won reputations .
27 When political considerations took primacy over whether qualifications it is not surprising that some of the appointments were given to candidates ill-suited to the duties they were called upon to perform , such as the Lanarkshire freeholder appointed macer of the Court of Session who , according to James Boswell , ‘ had a constant hoarseness , so that he could scarcely be heard when he called the causes and the lawyers , and was indeed as unfit for a crier of court as a man could be .
28 In nineteen ninety two , ninety three they were called upon to investigate one thousand two hundred and thirty seven crimes of violence , I exclude , for various reasons those committed on the London Underground .
29 On 2 March however , they were called upon to play a more central part in the defence , as Desmond Vincent-Jones relates : ‘ The day started auspiciously when an Heinkel 111 suddenly appeared out of the dawn mist with undercarriage down and started to make an approach to the main runway , presumably mistaking Hal Far for its own base airfield in Sicily .
30 Headhunters were also forced to become more professional because of the growing complexity of the corporate problems they were called upon to solve ; those consultants who were less sophisticated than their clients soon went out of business .
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