Example sentences of "[pron] be looking [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 My relationship with the director is therefore rather different from most producers ; I am looking not for someone to watch and admire but for someone who can deliver the result .
2 However , if Microsoft can neither be bothered to put the basic information in its literature , nor inform the people handling the upgrade , should I be looking elsewhere for an alternative ?
3 See , when I go out , I 'm looking out for me and my mate , I do n't want some researcher in the back who 's just going to be a liability …
4 I 'm looking now for a nice you know .
5 Yes I was looking around for your dog
6 This applies also to the British Council , our arm of cultural diplomacy , which is facing unprecedented demands from the newly liberated countries which are looking out for English language teachers .
7 I think that 's , that 's pretty consistent , probably with how bands are formed , actually , is n't it , its friends of friends , and somebody knows somebody else , and somebody 's looking round for a drummer , just happens that somebody mentions it to somebody else .
8 You are looking especially for cracks in walls , bulging or leaning walls and chimney breasts ; damp , and rotting or infested wood ; signs of movement , or subsidence ; bulging or sagging floors and ceilings ; broken , soft or hollow plaster ; blocked or inadequate drains , ; adequate and safe water , gas and electrical services .
9 Secondly , you are looking out for minor defects which will cost you time and money — plumbing , heating redecoration , bathroom and kitchen fittings , replacement windows , floor finishes , insulation etc .
10 Not an easy one by any stretch of the imagination but it 's one if you 're looking desperately for an equalizer you 'd be hoping to score from .
11 You need to be very familiar with the text , you ca n't learn it word-for-word for goodness sake , but you certainly are able to identify all the key issues and key aspects of it and that 's what you 're looking out for , so you could re-tell the story again , you can re-tell the story again yourself accurately , identifying all the key points .
12 Is it the criminal who tortures the cop , who 's looking out for his own , or is it the undercover copy , who 's selling them all out ?
13 The conservative teacher who is looking only for a reasonable salary and a peaceful life .
14 ‘ How about Communists in government ? ’ suggested a friend to Senator Joe McCarthy from Wisconsin , who was looking round for an issue to help get him re-elected .
15 A chasm separates us from the other side and now we are looking round for the bridge . ’
16 So we were looking around for interesting stuff to push — sounds like drugs , eh ? — he-he-he ! — and someone mentions Walter Machin .
17 ‘ When we were looking around for a royal to open the centre , we were promised as soon as someone was available for a royal visit , we would get one , ’ said Peter Carberry , chairman of Darlington Mind .
18 This is partly to get higher wages , but it is really so because jobs are run-of-the-mill and they are looking simply for a change of venue , a new setting , and new faces .
19 They want a baby they 're not concerned whether it 's going to have spina-bifida or have som , they are looking forward for a perfect baby .
20 Work is well on , but they are looking particularly for an Aldis gun sight for the project .
21 Coun Williams retorted : ‘ The fact that they are looking around for someone to blame is proof they really do n't want to do it . ’
22 For this reason , an all-round practice gives better training than a specialised one — but it may be well worth taking articles in a specialised firm if you are assured that they are looking out for a bright young man/woman like you to be a partner .
23 More and more money has been spent on the police , and it has n't worked , and that 's why everybody 's looking round for new initiatives , that 's why Patrick Sheehy who after all is chairman of a very successful commercial corporation , was asked by your government to put forward recommendations , that a lot of very unsuccessful police forces rejected out of hand .
24 It is looking desperately for overseas orders to bolster a declining workload in the UK .
25 Finally , he is looking out for support material for Christian detached youth workers .
26 he must be maybe he 's looking out for more work , I admire
27 Up for re-election in 1952 , he was looking around for a cause that would be electorally popular , and found it in anti-communism .
28 At the door which led back on to the landing he was looking around for a prop or a wedge to pin it open when he thought of the parcel that he 'd been hugging since the zoo .
29 He was looking not for a new policy for Britain , but for a political protege for himself , someone who would be more gracious and romantic than Chamberlain .
30 She knew perfectly well that he was not very interested in paintings and that he was looking only for a secluded place where he could kiss her .
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