Example sentences of "[pron] be assume [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 For the first six months of my mother 's pregnancy , I was assumed to be indigestion .
2 It suddenly became clear to me that I was assumed to be equally as wilfully ignorant .
3 But my purpose in dwelling on this theory is to demonstrate how ideas are spread by the action of persuasion on uncritical acquiescence and get converted into solutions , which are assumed to be valid everywhere , like American Express traveller 's cheques .
4 Note that this allowance is for independent monsters which are assumed to be magically bound , trained , or otherwise loyal to your cause .
5 Stylistic categories are more complex phenomena which are often difficult to define , but which are assumed to be describable in terms of linguistic categories , although they are not a necessary part of the description of a language .
6 Different people solving slightly different problems in separate rooms create no difficulty — until they come to communicate their solutions , which are assumed to be for the same problem .
7 Where the task has been to make judgments of affective tone or extract central information from a slide , differences have emerged between central and peripheral details and this may well reflect the fact that attention to arousing information or central information ( which are assumed to be the same thing ) is explicitly required for task performance .
8 For comparison with BrdU , therefore , only the strongly stained nuclei , which are assumed to be in S phase , were counted .
9 We submit that even scores such as the Glasgow coma scale and the Apgar score , which are assumed to be independent of medical management , may , in fact , be susceptible to a similar effect to that demonstrated with APACHE scoring .
10 Still , the limping aircraft , which were assumed to be carrying arms , were not challenged .
11 Beholden to an anatomically derived , heterosexually structured , and all-embracing dualism , such theories could only conceive of homosexuality as a disavowal of that very difference which is assumed to be fundamental to social , psychic , and sexual organization .
12 As Eyre ( 1987 ) reports , there is considerable variation of opinion relating to rates of deforestation ; FAO ( 1985 ) , for example , quote a figure of 3.0 per cent per year which is assumed to be due to commercial logging .
13 Dominant values are upheld and dominant interests protected in the name of universal interests — in the child care case , in the cause of child welfare , which is assumed to be some kind of objectively assessable ‘ good thing ’ .
14 An alternative to this view is that corporate managers use their expertise to help define and implement the broad purpose of the organization , which is assumed to be that of furthering the public interest .
15 At the surface of the Earth , which is assumed to be a sphere of radius R and uniform density p , the relative acceleration of two objects towards the Earth as a result of such a fifth force would be if is the usual gravitational acceleration and Δ ( B ) is the difference between the values of B for the two bodies .
16 Associated with each vacancy is a fixed wage w which is a random draw from the density , which is assumed to be constant over time and known to the searcher .
17 Thus for each country one could use Lucas 's measure of unanticipated aggregate demand to estimate the following OLS regression based on equation(6.3) : where is a coefficient , and is a random error which is assumed to be serially uncorrelated with zero mean .
18 The distribution of the isotope shifts among the various bands gives independent evidence about the force field , which is assumed to be invariant , while the mass-dependent kinetic energy terms alter .
19 Pakistan 's military intelligence service , the ISI , which is assumed to be directing the attack , has lost face .
20 As well as being able to make chargeable transfers and exempt transfers , under IHTA 1984 , s3(3A) a taxpayer may also make a potentially exempt transfer which is broadly a transfer which is assumed to be exempt from inheritance tax at the time of the gift but which may ultimately end up being a chargeable transfer because the donor does not survive the making of the gift by seven years .
21 We saw in the previous chapter that equilibrium is achieved in the money market when the total demand for money ( which depends on the interest rate and the level of income ) is equal to the money supply ( which is assumed to be autonomous ) .
22 Questions are asked by people who lack a particular piece of knowledge , and questions are addressed to people who are assumed to be more knowledgeable about that topic .
23 ‘ In this department , you 're assumed to be drunk until proven otherwise , ’ said Keith Little , head of Accident and Emergency .
24 A Labour Party spokesman said the Opposition accepted the principle of expatriate voting , but disapproved of ‘ disproportionate ’ Government effort and expense devoted to ‘ chasing ’ overseas voters who were assumed to be Tories .
25 The demonstrators against the war in the streets of the capital are using the weapon of Islamic solidarity to have a go at the western powers , and some are indirectly critical of Mr Suharto , who is assumed to be the West 's friend .
26 But in the classroom , the roles are often reversed : the person who asks the questions is the one who is assumed to be more knowledgeable .
27 This project has three objectives : to investigate how accurately parents and their adolescent children can predict each other 's thinking over complex moral and social problems ; to assess whether the degree of such accuracy is related to the nature and extent of parent-adolescent conflicts , and to test whether an individual at one level of cognitive development can describe the view of another person who is assumed to be at a higher level .
28 We are assumed to be failed heterosexuals , feeding into the myth that the lesbian communities accommodate fat more easily than their straight equivalents .
29 The four quarterly effects ( which we are assuming to be invariant during the time span of the data ) can now be estimated from the averages of corresponding quarters over these seven years .
30 As discussed above there are assumed to be a number of willing Doom Divers ready and waiting to step forward and be catapulted into the air .
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