Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] longer [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Seven months on , Ford people are admitting as much , just as the clever among them are no longer feigning surprise at our conclusions .
2 I am no longer breathing .
3 Well why do n't you just prewarn them before you 're gon na do it and say look I 'm no longer gon na use this bank I 'm er
4 ‘ He talked on , but I was no longer listening .
5 Ellen was still arguing with me as Thessy and I climbed in and backfired away , but I was no longer listening .
6 I do n't know when when you got this , at that time it was correct that I was no longer working , that I 'd finished working for as it says here er Bill theatrical company on the fourth of September .
7 I realised I was no longer having any fun doing my movies , and I think this was reflected in my last two films , Harlem Nights and Another 48 Hours .
8 As I was no longer going out to work , I had plenty of thinking time … even a holiday with , , & that Autumn to U.S.A / Bahamas ( retirement treat ) was blighted .
9 In this way hunger , in the sense of the desire for food , gradually disappeared , and I was no longer lying to myself or others about its absence .
10 Are they pieces of parent body that broke up and sent a special type of debris into a path crossing the orbit of the Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago but which is no longer falling on the Earth ?
11 The system is known as the Autoview Viking vision system and was marketed by British Robotics Systems Ltd. , a company which is no longer trading .
12 Switching to the 4x12 setting the Instigator actually improved on the sound of the 4x12 , which was no longer overdriving its speakers .
13 This then becomes the basis for mailing and contacting those who are no longer nursing .
14 Of those who laughed then , there are countless numbers who are no longer laughing today , and those who are still laughing now , will perhaps also not be doing it any longer in the time to come . ’
15 If you are no longer acting for any of the appellants shown as being represented by you on the enclosed Roll , you should inform this office , in writing , at least seven days before the hearing date , enclosing a copy of your letter to the appellant informing him/her that you are no longer acting , giving him/her details of the date , time and place of the Appeal hearing and that he/she must attend to present his/her Appeal and that failure to appear may result in the Appeal being dismissed .
16 If you are no longer acting for any of the appellants shown as being represented by you on the enclosed Roll , you should inform this office , in writing , at least seven days before the hearing date , enclosing a copy of your letter to the appellant informing him/her that you are no longer acting , giving him/her details of the date , time and place of the Appeal hearing and that he/she must attend to present his/her Appeal and that failure to appear may result in the Appeal being dismissed .
17 You are no longer thinking about it because you are it .
18 If we do not receive your update instructions by the above data it will be assumed that you are no longer seeking acquisitions and the record will be deleted from our database .
19 You write the same poem over and over again and tell us what you 're no longer going to do .
20 Well I think it 's either the experience that people have suffered or prejudice , but erm what really infuriates people I think is the fact that when you talk about gipsies you 're no longer talking about the romantic idea of a gipsy caravan , a red gipsy caravan with a horse and little children and dark-eyed girls , the erm conception is all wrong .
21 Speaker B's view of the conversation has consequently become one in which she is no longer expressing a personal topic , but is waiting to discover ‘ what I think you ( not we ) are talking about ’ .
22 A time will come when you will know that she is no longer saying to herself , ‘ If I ca n't have him , I do n't want anything ’ .
23 Although she is no longer parcelling up teaching packs , Mrs Kelsall still finds her spare time eaten up by the project .
24 She quickly changed her position , so that she was no longer facing him but looking out towards the lake .
25 It marked a vital staging post on Constance 's path to independence and made clear to Nora that she was no longer dealing with a child .
26 Only then , when she was no longer expressing the yearning for him , did he learn of his own need .
27 She was no longer writhing , but lay on the ground , rigid , and seemed to be choking .
28 This could have been the return to the stresses and strains of normal life or because she was no longer taking Arg Nit so I put her on Arg Nit LM1 .
29 She was no longer trembling , as she had been a minute ago .
30 Her hair felt rough and unpleasant to the touch because she was no longer washing it properly but improvising with a kettle of hot water in the kitchen sink .
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