Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] known for " in BNC.

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1 Women wear saris and I 'm well known for my spicy food .
2 ‘ Like all Sards , I 'm well known for my gallantry . ’
3 The diversity of the components of a textile effluent is very great , probably only matched or exceeded by that of the tanning industry , which is well known for its variability .
4 The prevalent merchant culture in the early Italian city-republics , notably in Florence — one of the largest cities in Europe at the time and one which is well known for its lauda tradition — provided the ideal climate for the development of the lay companies .
5 WACC has long-standing connections with the Center , which is best known for its quarterly magazine Media&Values .
6 Some interesting pink Champagnes are made in this village which was once known for its long lived red wines .
7 There are a number of printers with whom MAS has worked already ( some being clients ) who are well known for security printing .
8 Far from being dead , Detroit is getting a bit too much for flamboyant city police chief Gil Hill , who 's better known for his movie-acting skills — he played the dour Detroit police chief in Beverly Hills Cop I and Il .
9 She is also known for being frugal and will often only serve visiting supporters after running a used teabag three or four times through a mangle .
10 She is best known for her rings with tall bezels towering above slender hoops .
11 She is best known for her probable authorship of the anonymous pamphlet An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex ( 1696 ) , frequently ascribed to Mary Astell [ q.v . ] .
12 Dénise René , who is well known for her support of constructivist art during her forty years as a gallery owner in Paris , will be present however as winner of the Preis Art Cologne of DM20,000 ( see Around the Galleries , Cologne , p. 33 ) .
13 I figured a man like Truro Daine , who is well known for being up to his knees in dirt year in year out , would have a lot of use for their product , and decided to call on him to give a heavy pitch for the latest range of fine-bristled superswift specials .
14 Sue , who is well known for her contribution in Fuel Division , particularly in the field of Water Reactor and AGR fuel , and intermediate products such as UO2 powder and pellets , described her new post as a considerable challenge .
15 The latest of SAVE 's publications is Bright Future : The Re-Use of Industrial Buildings , written with the architect Francis Machin , who is best known for his futuristic conservatories , but whose conversions include the transformation of my own barn into a library and office .
16 In one almost comic instance , a man described as a ‘ wooden-legged ruffian ’ who was well known for drunk-and-disorderly offences had kicked a policeman with his wooden leg .
17 They are well known for their methodological rigour , and they study factors relating to depression of clinical significance , that is , their cases have symptoms at least as numerous and severe as those treated by psychiatrists in out-patient settings .
18 They are best known for their pantomimes and comedy and felt the need for a change .
19 Both of them were already known for silences .
20 It is best known for its mouth-watering digestive biscuits , but some staggering statistics graphically illustrate the incredible production rate at United Biscuits .
21 It is best known for persecuting Indian peasants , especially the lower castes or ‘ Untouchables ’ , who may have stolen from a neighbour or have demonstrated dirty habits .
22 It is well known for the friendliness of its reception and the readiness of its members to take time to talk to visitors .
23 It is well known for its beautiful gardens , some of which are hundreds of years old .
24 Possibly it is better known for inaugurating and managing the Leven Wild Water Test which are the forerunner of all wild water racing in Britain .
25 He is well known for his theoretical considerations of the ‘ habitus ’ and ‘ cultural capital ’ .
26 He is well known for his interest in teaching and learning in higher education , especially through the possibilities offered by what used to be known as ‘ new ’ technologies .
27 In Britain he is best known for the remarkable Byker Wall housing scheme in Newcastle-upon-Tyne .
28 He is best known for his series of paintings , begun in 1946 , which celebrated the life of the outlaw Ned Kelly , who appears with a huge square helmet on his head in the burning wastes of the outback ; ‘ Rousseau and sunlight ’ was how Nolan characterised his own intentionally naive style .
29 He is best known for his epic poem Osman , which , although running to 11,000 lines , was unfinished at his death .
30 He is mainly known for his work on the analytical centrifuge and related hydrodynamic techniques , both in terms of developing the methodology and applying this methodology to the study of macromolecular solutions .
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