Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] sure that " in BNC.

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1 I am also sure that the House will sympathise with the wish that they should both be afforded a degree of privacy .
2 I am also sure that schools will take these concepts , adapt them to their needs and circumstances and successfully absorb them , as they have with the many other innovations taken on board by education over the past few years .
3 If we were to have dialogue , if dialogue were to be opened between us and I am now talking about dialogue and not of debate , then erm it is only erm , I 'm certain that there would be a great deal to , to say to him from us on our part , and I am also sure that he will have a great deal to say .
4 I am however sure that if Sir Alastair gets the support from the Sections and Portland Place that I did , then the CIT will very quickly be where we all want it to be .
5 I am reasonably sure that by this time any fair-minded reader with a spark of decency will readily acknowledge that all the apparent similarities between Daniel Miller and myself have been more than satisfactorily explained .
6 And yet I am pretty sure that Harold and his military advisers have never considered the use of black propaganda or subversive organisations to put pressure on Smith . ’
7 I am pretty sure that these noises do not proceed from incipient compression failures .
8 I am pretty sure that if we started things here , we could get an extraordinary audit and sort out this Lady Porter job .
9 But I am jolly sure that they would not let the government of the day , or their contemporary House of Commons , forget how important it is to supply water and to look after the sewers and drains .
10 However , I am equally sure that the qualifications and experience that those apprentices have gained will stand them in excellent stead in achieving employment when they come to look for jobs .
11 I am very sure that you will agree with me , if I may borrow a phrase from Joyce , that we all hope that it 's not at all unlikely that George Craig will come again to preach .
12 ‘ Ten years on , I am quite sure that the biggest issue we have uncovered is the issue of neglect , ’ Ms Reeves says .
13 I am quite sure that the Moderator and his colleagues will be able to withstand any theological attack directed by the Rev. Ian Paisley , but when it approaches physical violence this is another matter .
14 I am quite sure that , even after all this time , with their sophisticated technology , Tech-Green could quite easily qualify the suppositions .
15 I am quite sure that the message has gone home to the counties and their bowlers .
16 I am quite sure that over the years he saved the company substantial legal costs ! ’
17 I do not believe Jenkins had any such ambition , and I am quite sure that it was not within his nature to take any active steps to intrigue , but Harold Wilson did believe — and conscientiously so — that such intrigues were taking place .
18 Of course , the Scottish Office runs a number of public information campaigns and I am quite sure that the hon. Gentleman would want us to do that to encourage the improvement of health in various ways .
19 I am quite sure that British Steel will have considered that and will weigh it up as well as any other possible developments .
20 I think that 's very important and I think it 's , there 's er actually , I have to say er I detect in 's letter because I am quite sure that a year ago she would have questioned the parish council 's existence , and indeed she 's being , erm , to my perception , highly critical of er the fact that the parish council has even dared to sort of taste the oxygen outside their own homes .
21 Well I am I am I am quite sure that the person who 's actually if you appointed them treasurer has got the authority to be able to say , there was ten pounds difference , I 'm knocking it off the door and that 's it .
22 There is no way that any party , there is no way that the Liberal party can say to the Labour party or to anyone else , well we 'll support you , we think you 're getting in a mess but it 's your problem , you can carry it because that roughly is what they actually said and if it does go wrong , as it is sure that it will I am quite sure that it will be quite wrong to blame the Labour party entirely for that process , because it wo n't be entirely their fault .
23 My Lord it is since that erm because , as you mention that er because of all the delay , that I am quite sure that positively intended erm I lost large sums of paying my solicitors , solicitors as well as a surveyor and therefore I attempted to er , er to recoup that
24 I 'm also sure that they 're well and truly hidden from prying eyes like yours or mine . ’
25 I feel it did , I strongly feel it , feel that , but I 'm also sure that its an awful lot easier than , than most people think , but its not going to work for us is it ?
26 I 'm pretty sure that by this stage I was suffering from what medical people mean when they talk about ‘ clinical depression ’ .
27 I 'm pretty sure that I was the reason she left the big house , though I had n't actually been born then . ’
28 I 'm pretty sure that I was the only mother & baby entrant as I struggled on sometimes running , sometimes walking around the 10 mile course encouraged by the smiles and cheers of the many people who lined the route .
29 I 'm pretty sure that we 're clean in the Northern Hemisphere .
30 and to cut a long story short , we went to see three possible funders , er funder one was T S B Foundation , where to cut a long story short I 'm pretty sure that T S B er we , we have to put an application in for October I think we 'll , we 'll buy us another system
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