Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] the best " in BNC.

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1 Dally goes as far as to state that it indicates a bad prognosis for the disease , but I am glad to be able to report that although my jealousy continued into my adolescence , including the anorexic period , it did not deter my recovery , and that my sisters and I are now the best of friends .
2 My feeling ( although I am not the best judge ) was that the Workshop was a complete success in that it involved the participants in exploring the intellectual bases of their subject , and led them from there to the practical rethinking of their teaching methods and curricula .
3 I 'm not the best to s pick it up on the stitches and
4 Well I 'm not the best in the world at having somebody else living in the house .
5 And tha that is one thing I 'm , I mean I 'm not I 'm not the best driver in the world , but that is one thing I do try not to do cos as you say no matter what the circumstances are , if I go up the back of somebody it is my fault .
6 I wonder if I 'm really the best person for the task . "
7 When asked to sum up how he sees himself as a manager , Miller replies : ‘ As a player , maybe I was n't the best .
8 ‘ As a player , maybe I was n't the best .
9 I was n't the best man , I was in the right place at the right time .
10 What matters is that I need never question that there is a course which is objectively the best for me , and that when most aware I am nearest to it .
11 Ankaa lies slightly off the mid-point of a line joining Fomalhaut to Achernar , which is probably the best way of identifying it .
12 We do within P Way Design , which is probably the best office I 've ever worked in for that .
13 There was much that was more likely to inspire a smile than to send us rushing from the gallery complaining about the injustices of patriarchy , which is probably the best way to subvert the system .
14 One of the first on stream is ‘ Ashton Cross ’ , a sweet bramble with a vigorous habit ; last is ‘ Oregon Thornless ’ , which is not the best in flavour but gives fruit for cooking and preserving until the hard frosts strike .
15 ‘ There 's a Takamine acoustic , which is not the best acoustic I 've ever heard in the studio , but okay , and a Fender Jaguar and a Precision bass .
16 He leaves it undisclosed , which is perhaps the best thing to do with secrets .
17 They often sat together not saying a word , which is maybe the best way to get on with anybody .
18 You knew for a fact that anyone in that world was there for a genuine reason , either because he could n't get a job doing anything else — which was probably the best reason — or for the love of it .
19 Which was probably the best thing that happened to him .
20 His teaching programme was far more ambitious than the Cook 's tour round the library shelves plus a l:and-out , which was probably the best typical kind of library induction up to then provided in further and higher education .
21 but erm er I think that er that picture I borrowed , I mean with her permission of course , erm and er I think it was hung up in the bathroom or somewhere , which was not the best place for a photograph to be really .
22 In I975 , he began the European season with the 31ST , which was simply the best car on the track that year .
23 Some fine and competitive rallying in which was arguably the best match of the three days , saw her come very close to Audra Keller , a 19 year old form Tennessee who was playing in her third consecutive Maureen Connolly Cup event .
24 By the time you 've finished , if you are n't the best of mates and invited down for a vair long weekend in the cuntrair , I can only say — Air nair .
25 However , others find that coffee aggravates their Cystitis , so you are really the best judge of whether to use this measure or not .
26 ‘ Yes , I have sought you , ’ he said , nodding , half to himself , ‘ for they tell me you are quite the best there is . ’
27 In other words if you do n't you 're not the best people .
28 Special mention simply must be make of the members of the Cathedral 's Catholic Mothers group who helped Mrs Roberton with the lynches , and who were perhaps the best of all the many good things that happened to our 1981 Christian Aid programme .
29 ‘ Tommy told me all about you , said you were probably the best lay in the platoon . ’
30 ( WES AD LIB BACK REF ) ( ANNE ) Still to come on Central News , the schoolgirl swimmer who 's now the best in Britain .
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