Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] worth [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 But if I do n't have nine I 'm not worth talking to , really .
2 Girls it was n't nearly so important that they should be er er an and also I , I do n't think my parents thought I was really worth educating .
3 His was n't worth committing anyway , as it turned out . ’
4 There are some very distinctive and interesting roses to be found among the species which are well worth exploring and looking for , as you will see from the following examples .
5 British Gas has a range of regular service schemes which are well worth checking out .
6 I 'm sure you have your own routine , but do try these basic rules which are well worth applying .
7 A FUSION of pop and hardcore grunge that comes up smelling of the '60s summer sound , but to this they have fitted on a beat of their own which is well worth sitting up and paying attention to .
8 Er this tells us that domestic political considerations are very important in deciding whether to use er violence or whether to threaten it or , or , or whatever erm so there is er er a domestic political dimension to this which is well worth examining if you wish to understand the limits that actually exist on politicians ' powers .
9 But we have saved the elderly person 's strategic in the Vale of the White Horse , in its entirety , which is well worth having saved .
10 It is an often-repeated truism to say that the institution of the pub is unique to Britain — but it is still one which is well worth resurrecting .
11 The risk that failure to agree terms could result in the outgoing partner seeking a formal dissolution of the firm on peremptory notice is one which is not worth running .
12 One wonders just exactly how much banging a drum has to do with growing up , but the central issue of manhood is one which is certainly worth addressing .
13 There is a one and a half mile circular nature trail around the reserve , which is definitely worth doing .
14 What still have to be worked out are the criteria which would justify not intervening aggressively , or , to put it another way , would amount to a quality of life which was not worth having .
15 He took the risk of being compelled to ‘ undo ’ his development ( for example , demolish a newly built house ) when , and if , the planning scheme was approved , but this was a risk which was usually worth taking .
16 Those who do not pass or who are not worth bothering about in terms of academic success get very little reward out of the school system .
17 You 're not worth bothering about . ’
18 Annie thinks that you 're not worth worrying about .
19 ‘ I should slap you for that remark but you 're not worth soiling my hands with .
20 After all , he reflected , I am one of the few people in the world who is n't worth blackmailing .
21 Had he emphasised the ‘ you ’ , implying that she was n't worth lying to , or had she simply imagined the insult ?
22 We 're well worth spending a few hours over this , I think .
23 Few stations of the first generation survived the vast increase of railway traffic , but some did and they are well worth seeing Railways added a vast amount of detail to the English landscape , besides manipulating it at times on a large scale .
24 Similarly , people tend to assume that if they have heard of a band , then they are probably worth going to see .
25 They certainly will not go out of their way to be critical — and if they do they are not worth knowing in the first place !
26 In South America , the mahoganies , Swietenia spp. , were much sought after , so that today , they have suffered through genetic erosion to such an extent that often they are not worth exploiting , only those of poor form having been left in the forests to set seed .
27 Yet at least one member of America 's financial establishment thinks they are still worth studying .
28 They are always worth watching out for in Hello ! , whether it 's Cindy , in wildly-inappropriate garb , among a cluster of nomadic bedouins in the Judean desert , or Naomi dodging the cameras with De Niro in Paris .
29 Whatever our past experiences , whether they be noted landmarks or modest signposts , they are always worth considering where conflict is concerned .
30 It 's difficult to evaluate how successful such co-ops are but many do seem to gain work on a fairly reasonable basis for their members , and they are certainly worth considering .
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