Example sentences of "[pron] could [adv] hear her " in BNC.

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1 I suffered with her that evening , right through every moment , and when I went to bed at around midnight I could still hear her crying into her pillow — not a sound that sends a mother peacefully to sleep .
2 I could still hear her voice , the way she had said , ‘ You do n't approve , do you ? ’
3 ‘ Oh — ’ I could almost hear her hiccup — ‘ it 's so good , darling , hearing you talking like that . ’
4 It was n't until we got to Redbridge Station that she thought — and I could almost hear her thinking — about the envelope and the fiver I 'd given her .
5 She could still hear her mother 's voice saying , ‘ Do n't sit looking at me like that , child ; say something . ’
6 Suddenly she could almost hear her mother giggling .
7 In the long silence that stretched between them she could almost hear her heart pounding like a sledge-hammer in her chest .
8 She could almost hear her brain scurrying about in confusion , computer-fashion , seeking familiar data to confirm location .
9 They could still hear her tinkling laughter as the door closed behind them .
10 ‘ You promised Dana not to tell me something , ’ she said , wondering if he could actually hear her heart breaking .
11 He could still hear her words .
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