Example sentences of "[pron] could [verb] nothing [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I had heard something about it once or seen it on a map , but I could remember nothing definite .
2 I could remember nothing further back than the time I was walking over that miserable plain .
3 But I could see nothing anomalous , no movement .
4 Certainly I was asked about this er well before the er E I P er and we agreed that there w Well certainly I agreed that I could see nothing wrong with that since it is a cl closed research project , and nothing will be divulged at all er publicly .
5 She stayed under the shower until she could feel nothing more .
6 She had written to her mother giving no address , saying that she had left her husband and was going abroad , that she could do nothing more for her mother and had her own life to live .
7 She gave no address and said she could do nothing more to help her mother .
8 She could recall nothing more .
9 Sitting in the train , with a Sunday paper which I 'd automatically bought lying unopened on my knee , I felt a sense of relief at being away from him , at being surrounded by a lot of impersonal uncaring strangers who could see nothing different about me because they 'd never seen me before last night .
10 He took her to the airport nurse , who could find nothing wrong with her but agreed that she might be suffering from jet lag and needed only to rest .
11 Sheriff Higgings told Arthur that he could do nothing other than give him a custodial sentence .
12 He could do nothing wrong !
13 He could do nothing more until the various reports he 'd asked for came in , and he could n't hope for anything much before late afternoon .
14 She had thought he could do nothing more to her , but he had .
15 Benjamin seemed most interested in the charcoal braziers and sifted with his boot amongst the white ashes of the fire but , muttering to himself , claimed he could discover nothing untoward .
16 He could sense nothing permanent , nothing significant , in their relationship .
17 He looked around for an implement to use and although his eyes were by now accustomed to the gloom he could see nothing suitable .
18 Luckily he could find nothing wrong but the disbelief was still in his voice .
19 I saw how Leon Brittan , the incoming Secretary of State for Trade , was prepared to say he could find nothing wrong with the matter .
20 Harish then concluded on Dec. 11 that he could find nothing wrong with the settlers ' claims of legal ownership of the properties .
21 Then he could find nothing more to say at all .
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