Example sentences of "[pron] could hear them [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I could hear them fumbling with the ladder at the window .
2 I could hear them pulling drawers out and they said they 'd go .
3 I could hear them coming after me .
4 When I went into the shop people were tripping over themselves and banging into things and I could hear them saying : ‘ That 's Geoffrey Boycott — Geoffrey Boycott , sat in that car . ’
5 I could hear them laughing behind me .
6 I could hear them laughing and talking .
7 I could hear them talking to the neighbours : ‘ He 's a bit thick , our Sean . ’
8 It was funny cos I could hear them talking and I was really sort of like
9 Every morning she could hear them singing their mantras with the children .
10 It had claws like an eagle talons ; she could hear them shredding and splintering the wood .
11 She could hear them yawning and coughing as they moved around .
12 She could hear them whispering in the passage .
13 When Ember was away , no-one came to see her , though sometimes she could hear them arguing outside .
14 And she could hear them talking through the bedroom wall .
15 As you passed you could hear them murmuring ‘ Ya Allah !
16 They argued while eating their meals , having baths and in their sleep too you could hear them shouting .
17 You know you could hear you could hear them shouting you know goodnight and things like that .
18 Apparently you could hear them shouting all round the college .
19 I talked too much to the other girls over coffee , I went on and on about Eliot 's Chinese jar moving perpetually in its stillness , how ironic , and you could hear them wishing I 'd stop and somehow I could n't .
20 You could hear them coming from the distance , back .
21 And er you you you could hear them patting this butter outside a shop you know , it was a lovely sound on marble slabs and they were patting away at this butter .
22 You could hear them cracking .
23 You could hear them talking .
24 You could hear them wailing above the noise of the aircraft . ’
25 You could hear them squeaking off from a distance .
26 Just like a dance and they sung and they had just in each station you could hear them in Papa Stronsay we could hear them singing and dancing .
27 We could hear them banging about , shifting things and wondered nervously if we were in for another move .
28 They left the hatch open , and we could hear them going about the barge , arguing with the bargemen .
29 We could hear them coming up the stairs right to our door and then shouting and hammering on it .
30 We could hear them laughing and chattering beyond the reeds , their dresses flashing bright glints of colour through the green stalks .
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