Example sentences of "[pron] wondered [Wh adv] [pers pn] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 I wondered when we 'd come to her , ’ Harry put in .
2 I wondered when we 'd get round to that .
3 I wondered when we 'd get round to that . ’
4 I wondered when you would come ? ’ he called , not bothering to turn .
5 I wondered when you 'd turn up .
6 " I wondered when you 'd be coming back for your things .
7 I wondered when you 'd say that Helena , with your little bit of wisdom
8 I wondered when she would ever return to Dublin — I presume that 's why you 're here . "
9 Looking around our tiny sitting room , I wondered where we would put the furniture .
10 He was growing feistier and spryer by the month — I wondered where it would all end .
11 Afterwards I wondered where he might go best in the current formation : the 3 midfielders are all attack-oriented , which Batty is n't , and Fairclough is doing okay in front of the defence .
12 I wondered where she would keep these papers .
13 I wondered why he should bother to try and establish contact with me .
14 I wondered how they would take to steak and kidney pudding , oxtail soup , and plum duff .
15 I wondered how they would arrange my visa for Riga , but I did n't ask .
16 I wondered how it could be that I was going to marry Syl .
17 I wondered how she would settle down in the United States when she and Hank did get married .
18 ‘ I said I wondered how she would feel when she knows her own sister is having a relationship with the man who left her …
19 At the age of nine I wondered how I would handle my eventual initiation to the back row seating .
20 When I signed up for the trip I really did n't know just what to expect ; when I got my packet information I wondered how I would stand up to it but I soon found I adjusted very well and even though I had never slept in a tent in a tent in a sleeping bag or had any experience canoeing I did OK .
21 In fact , I 'd become so accustomed to relying on her that I wondered how I would .
22 I wondered how I should broach this subject but as it happened , Dame Edna opened her heart .
23 We were almost there and I wondered how he would behave when he was face-to-face with Gómez , what he would say .
24 Sometimes a bale of cloth went and you wondered how it could get past the Dock gate .
25 She wondered when it would be safe to steer the conversation back to Veronica .
26 Adam was talking to a man she vaguely recognised as a financier of some sort , and she wondered when it might be possible to leave without appearing rude .
27 As he ran upstairs she wondered why she should be so pleased he had come , he would only want to dredge up information to help in the murder case .
28 Unfamiliar as she was with the niceties of English social life , she wondered why she should be surprised .
29 Sarah had told her that John had always argued with his father and defied him , and she wondered why he could ever have behaved like that with this gentle man .
30 As she went along the hall , she wondered how she might persuade Maisie 's son to be a better person .
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