Example sentences of "[pron] father ['s] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 His daughter Jane once said , ‘ You will excuse my father 's enthusiasm for his darling art , he knows no other world than that in which a painter lives ’ … ‘ his spirit never flagged , his hand and eye were never idle . ’
2 Although I was still interested in English , I found both Latin and Greek increasingly tedious : they were my father 's choice for me , not mine .
3 There was a time when I was genuinely afraid of these idiotic questions , but now , apart from the fact that I must know the height , length , breadth , area and volume of just about every part of the house and everything in it , I can see my father 's obsession for what it is .
4 My father 's passion for Tracey Childs prepared me for a life of drama
5 Nightingale had been her father 's amah for five years , and was younger than Rachel , but was hard-working and loyal , kept the villa as clean as a new pin , and was becoming a part of the family .
6 This smug man who had nothing at all to do with her life had helped to wipe out her father 's existence for her .
7 Anne was reminded of the day that John asked her father 's permission for their engagement , and his calm response then .
8 He had fastened on to the fact that she was a Connor , played on memories of her father 's reputation for throwing races .
9 I have her father 's word for it that the child is a gangster ! ’
10 The reason for her pent-up fury is not disclosed , though we rather suspect it may have something to do with her father 's preference for her sister .
11 His contempt for her had been occasioned , as Ellie understood it , by her father 's disdain for Madame 's previous occupation as an actress , since , as he said , he had always held the theatre to be nothing but a den of iniquity .
12 It was strange that she was in no way jealous of Jessie being her father 's choice for betterment , because Jessie herself had n't wanted to go to the Secretarial School , nor had her mother wanted her to go .
13 In it he asks her father 's help for one of the other prisoners , saying ‘ that he had helped him ‘ according to his own willing poverty ’ .
14 Felicity raided her father 's cellar for a couple of bottles of an excellent Chateau Margaux .
15 She could hardly hide behind the four walls of her father 's house for the rest of her life , but the mere thought of re-entering any sort of social scene was enough to make her feel ill .
16 He never seems to take time off : a friend tells of how Joey , Mr Lee 's young son , once protested by scrawling his own name in his father 's diary for an appointment .
17 Each individual renounced his ideal of acquiring his father 's position for himself and of possessing his mother and sisters .
18 Patrick de Bayser worked in his father 's gallery for two years after spending the previous two years in the gallery of paintings expert and dealer Eric Turquin .
19 He remembered seeing his father 's face for the last time ; the coffin being lowered into its final resting place — and the hateful wake which followed .
20 Alexei watched his father 's face for a reaction .
21 For instance , erm erm a good illustration of this is Locke 's erm erm argument on the right of inheritance and erm in this case I am quoting from the first treatise of government the right a son has to be maintained , has to be maintained and provided with the necessary the necessities and conveniences of life out of his father 's stock gives him a right to succeed to his father 's property for his own good but this can give him no right to succeed also to the rule which his father had over other men .
22 SON Kyle , 24 , shares his father 's passion for jazz and is involved in a jazz group and a pop band .
23 How far Warnie emulated at this stage of life his father 's fondness for a little drop of whiskey , and at what point he began his calamintous descent into alcoholism is not easy to determine .
24 He had his father 's gift for sensing what sort of an audience he was addressing , and adapting his matter accordingly .
25 Probably he resented and resisted the thrust of his father 's ambition for all his sons , but especially for Edwy , the eldest , so obviously gift ed with the academic ability for professional or ‘ establishment ’ success .
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