Example sentences of "[pron] found that [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 During which time I found that at the worst all Englishmen stuck together in regard to the West Indians … it was like a thorn in my heels to know that I was working in an atmosphere of hostility .
2 In a study of his four published Song Books , I found that of the forty-two tunes I could identify ( four I could not ) , some 60 per cent are ‘ traditional ’ , mostly of rural origin ( the bulk Scottish ) , while only about 12 per cent come from comic music hall songs and about 25 per cent from bourgeois sources ( parlour ballad , light opera ) .
3 Given the date , it was then a question of working backwards and consulting an old diary ; and I found that during the period in question I was in India for Panorama .
4 India in those days ( round about 1963 ) was much in the air and I found that as a background it decidedly fired my imagination .
5 And although my initial work was with the individual child , I found that in a large number of cases , the parental interest was of a high order and , and the children 's willingness to involve parents in their behavioural difficulties was also of a high order , so I found myself working not just within the school , not just with the child , but in a parent-child situation .
6 I found that within the first two years I more than trebled my external income simply because I was entertaining at a large conference-style table in a nicely furnished area .
7 On checking through the Division list , I found that among the Members who sadly threw out that advanced piece of legislation were the right hon. Member for Norfolk , South ( Mr. MacGregor ) and other interesting names .
8 Fisher wrote a kind letter to Ramsey , who found that in the circumstances it showed a generous spirit .
9 Not according to Downes and Young ( 1987 ) , who found that in the post-war period , the rate of increase of crime under the Conservatives was , on average , twice that under Labour .
10 She found that in the time allowed four-fifths of the adult pairs conversed , looked or smiled at each other .
11 She found that in the boys ' peer group , powerful members used direct imperatives like ‘ gim me ’ and ‘ get off ’ .
12 He should n't be in her thoughts at all , and yet she found that in the short space of time since she had met him he had sunk in , wormed his way into her mind with his disturbing home truths .
13 And all that is is a hammer and stamp and er and they have a habit of buckling because we regularly , erm postcode cycles erm , with the introduction of the mountain bike we found that on the weaker frames we were buckling them .
14 We found that towards the end of the rehearsal period the actors during run-throughs referred to each other and related to each other in the offstage character ( Joyce , Neil , etc . ) .
15 He told The Art Newspaper , ‘ Every two years we have a renewed clothes allowance , and we found that for a very little extra we could provide our warders with these outfits .
16 We found that for the same journey in the same conditions , our average mpg shot up to 52 .
17 And we found that over a period of , oh about a couple of months , the same people almost used to come round .
18 I have a slow heartbeat , about 67 or 68 , but we found that in a quiet passage of music before a climax the heartbeat could rise to 170 .
19 We found that in the long term a little under a third of the participating teachers had been significantly influenced by what they had heard and seen and had made major changes in their classroom practice as a result .
20 But when we left the capital with its taxis playing Strauss over Beijing Radio and travelled on the diesel train through the countryside , we found that in the rural areas change comes more slowly .
21 They found that with a 60 ( user ) concurrent workload Destiny on the Intel chip was 28% faster than a DEC 5900 and performed 87% as well as an RS/6000 970 running AIX .
22 They found that over the course of the year , two-thirds of the women interviewed reported experiences of sexual harassment , one-quarter of the women had experienced threats , and one-fifth , violence .
23 They found that from the age of three years , children were able to distinguish correctly between intended actions and mistakes ( Shultz , 1980 ) .
24 They found that in the hybrids the germ cells apparently migrated into the fetal gonads normally , and their early cell divisions proceeded normally .
25 They found that in the United states , Belgium , Thailand and Japan , the decline in the rate of sexual intercourse in marriage is more closely associated with the wife 's age than that of the husband .
26 He found that in the neutral condition , where no particular inference was confirmed or disconfirmed by subsequent information , all potential inferences were falsely identified as having occurred in a passage about 25 per cent of the time .
27 In particular , he found that in an organisation committed to consultative management , a superior may become more and more reluctant to exercise his authority .
28 He found that from the intersection of Fleming 's Cross-cut with the vein , the level had been taken S.E. along it for 40 fathoms , at the forehead of which was a cross-course which cut off the lode .
29 It found that in the 3 years since the first survey , crime had moved from third place to the top of people ‘ s list of problems affecting their neighbourhood .
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