Example sentences of "[pron] felt [pers pn] had done " in BNC.

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1 I felt I had done what was necessary .
2 She could not believe it , not because she was not used to getting flowers from men [ she and her charm could make men act on impulse ] , but she felt she had done nothing out of the ordinary to merit it .
3 We felt we had done all we could there for the moment and did n't want to get lazy .
4 They felt they had done well enough already to endure the service at Dull , and that there was no need to martyr themselves yet again ( the Reverend William MacIvor 's sermons were notoriously long and repetitious ) .
5 Wordsworth 's first publications , An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches , appeared in 1793 ; the aim was to bring his name before the public as he felt he had done nothing at university — and , of course , the faint hope of making money .
6 He might still only be a juvenile who had never flown freely on the wind but he felt he had done nothing to warrant the abuse and fury of an eagle whose name he did not even know .
7 He felt he had done it absolutely as best he could and there was no way he could repeat the emotion .
8 It was the fact that he felt he had done it right the first time and not nearly as well the second time .
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