Example sentences of "[pron] knew [pron] [be] be " in BNC.

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1 " I knew you were being thoughtless , rather than mean .
2 I knew I was being bewitched , laid under a spell so intensely personal , so thrilling , I did not have the power to resist it , or to judge if it were good or evil .
3 I caught myself wondering how I would feel if I knew I was being transfused with the blood of someone of 85 : would it be strong enough ?
4 I knew I was being unreasonable , but I began to feel that my marriage lacked something , a fundamental excitement .
5 I could n't put a name on her treatment of me , no word existed for what she was trying to do , but I knew I was being manipulated under the guise of deference and consideration .
6 ‘ After I 'd cooled down I knew I was being irrational . ’
7 Immediately I knew I was being kidnapped .
8 She says that she knew they were being pushed down the hill and she screamed when she felt the flames .
9 Still , she knew she was being watched .
10 Even as she spoke she knew she was being a hypocrite .
11 By the time they reached Coniston and she saw grey stone cottages beside a lake reflecting more of those unbelievable mountains , she knew she was being offered a new world .
12 This upset Stella , though she knew she was being foolish .
13 She wished she could say she knew she was being difficult and edgy , taking it out on him because she 'd been denied another child .
14 She knew she was being ridiculous , but so much had happened back there in that elegant house , so many unexplained emotions had swung through her mind in such a short space of time , and she felt so wound up , so confused by it all .
15 She knew she was being unreasonable , and she was worried she might alienate David .
16 She knew she was being baited , and yet she could not stop her shocked reply .
17 She knew she was being argumentative , a trait not exactly geared to ease frayed nerves .
18 She knew she was being unreasonable , but his domesticity seemed like an intrusion and she resented it .
19 She knew he was being evasive and sensed that in some way he was trying to protect her .
20 Yeah it does , you see if Ken and Freda or anybody knew they were being televised they 'd be careful of what they said
21 He said he said erm he thought people might be less willing to speak at the meeting if they knew it was being recorded , which seems entirely reasonable .
22 The voice was calm and soft and the words were ordinary , but he knew he was being told a horror story .
23 He knew he was being watched from somewhere .
24 Shiva smiled sadly and asked why not but he knew he was being unfair to Adam as well as to himself .
25 He knew he was being manipulated but , he asked himself , what was the alternative ?
26 He knew he was being teased .
27 He went to answer it and the next thing he knew he was being attacked by a group of men .
28 The feeling persisted and suddenly , although he knew he was being ridiculous , he felt he had to take a ride into Mansfield to have a look at the site where the old Empire Theatre had once stood .
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