Example sentences of "[pron] actually [verb] their [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Tonight it had been her turn to give way , but agreeing to spend an hour in the Clarence with Colin and Yvonne did n't extend to any pretence that she actually enjoyed their company .
2 Should one consequently resist too vigorously the wicked thought that active citizenship in modern Britain will be a status conferred on those who actually pay their poll tax ?
3 Has anybody actually started their assignment ?
4 But what they 'll probably do is sell those before they actually reach their premium .
5 As always , the strongest make a steady recovery but the others either wither away because they actually believe their press or , more commonly , find themselves selling considerably fewer records .
6 Evidence shows that they actually enjoy their training .
7 Paul Korshin argues , on the other hand , that very few writers could have been supported by patronage to such an extent that they actually lost their independence .
8 Right , they 're accusing him to be claiming to be God and they actually say they actually say their decision is that he 's guilty and should be put to death , they 've condemned him to death .
9 erm strike out , interim payment , order fourteen er itself , there 's always still available to them , erm that the other side of the coin is if they get their money and of course they 're going to be threatening bankruptcy for some four thousand odd Names , I mean that 's , that 's equally devastating to individuals , erm my Lord , one would be into a type of argument on balance of convenience if we were at this stage , one would be considering the bankruptcy of the names , whether they have the funds to pay , even if judgment is given against them because vast majority do n't and what would be the point of giving judgment , this order fourteen cases saying one should n't do it in those circumstances , what if the names are right , will they get the money back , will they get a cross undertaking damages and pre er , er and to what extent do now have the funds , to what extent will it actually effect their business in the light of of
10 Now , independent taxation means that th that you 've both got an allowance of fourteen thousand two hundred before age allowance is abated , but for teachers who 're you know retired early , er some years ago , and they perhaps got a pension for themselves , a pension for their wife , then obviously when they got to sixty five , quite ou because it was calculated as a , as er one total , it actually abated their allowance quickly .
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