Example sentences of "[pron] looked [adv] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 I looked out over the empty white road to the sky and saw the morning sun sparkling .
2 There the colonnade was wider and the slender arches more open ; standing in the deep shade , I looked out over the tree-tops and the sea to the languishing ash-lilac mountains … a déjà vu feeling of having stood in the same place , before that particular proportion of the arches , that particular contrast of shade and burning landscape outside — I could n't say .
3 Climbing up on to a high bastion , I looked down over the shimmering interior of the fort and thought of the words that must once have been a set text for the cavalrymen stationed here :
4 Along the wall opposite the bookcase was a bed and under the front window which looked out over the tiny arched lane and fields , was a small table with a photograph of a young dark-haired woman and a slightly older man with large penetrating eyes and a broad grin .
5 We eventually picked a hotel which looked out over the main square and settled down in the bar .
6 I used to , as my mother put it , ‘ curl up with a book ’ on a broad shelf which ran the length of one wall under shaky moorish windows which looked out over the golf course .
7 It took Quiss longer than he had expected to get to the castle kitchens ; they 'd changed some of the corridors and stairways en route from the games room to the lower levels , and Quiss , taking what he thought was the usual way , had found himself making an unexpected left turn and coming to a windy , deserted , echoing chamber which looked out over the white landscape to the tall wooden towers of the slate mines .
8 The privy was crude , a small recess in the wall with a latrine seat , just under a tiny , open , oval-shaped window which looked down over the green .
9 In summer from the Ridgery you looked out over the tops of the trees .
10 Prodding it experimentally , and finding it quite firm , she looked up over the roof .
11 She looked out over the rows of eager faces waiting for her to justify her educational policy , and she could n't think of a word to say .
12 She looked out over the northern part of the lake to Burtness Wood , where the rain on the leaves made a sound she loved .
13 She looked out over the smudged white landscape of Regent 's Park , then peered at the road below .
14 ‘ Of course I have , ’ she answered , her gaze unconsciously wistful as she looked out over the smooth water of the lake .
15 She looked back over the recently written unsatisfactory pages of her book , and there was no doubt that her mind must have been tired .
16 From the train we looked down over the clutter of the rooftops , things broken , things abandoned , things stored and forgotten : broken water-jugs , wheel-less bicycles , rolls of rush matting .
17 We looked down over the police barrier at the upside-down Golf below us .
18 We looked out over a bare open landscape , its thin grass patched with sandy stretches .
19 We looked out over the bay to the houses directly opposite .
20 The day before our return , as we looked out over the battlements , we saw a succession of thick black clouds driving slowly in over the sand flats and camel grass .
21 And we actually then went down and we looked all over the place and there are quite a number of pallets that in fact are not properly stacked .
22 But because of the height they looked right over the roof of the main building of Anpetuwi Lodge .
23 There , as they looked out over the River Thames , he ordered a meal and demanded that she tell him her life story .
24 They looked all over the state .
25 It looked out over a garden so long overgrown it was returning to jungle .
26 Then , as now , it looked out over the broad creek and the gunmetal-coloured mud with the eaten-looking wreck of an old fishing boat sticking out of it .
27 He looked thoughtfully over the table .
28 As he looked out over the familiar landscape that spring day , the poetic miracles which had begun in the lime-tree bower were coming to an end .
29 ‘ God , I hope so , ’ Whitlock said then got to his feet and moved to the balcony where he looked out over the illuminated New York skyline .
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