Example sentences of "[pron] once [vb past] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I once read about a boxer who did that .
2 I once ran into a 10-wheel timber-hauling lorry which , being only about 3 miles long , had momentarily escaped my notice .
3 I once heard of a case where two dogs fought almost to the death over an empty sweet paper .
4 I once heard of a woman who complained that all the attractive men in London were gay .
5 ‘ Another strange comment I once heard from a doctor was that transsexuals were obsessed by sex , which was great news to us , especially to me , who lives like a monk . ’
6 My wife and I once went into a pharmacie in Montauban and requested a packet of bandages .
7 I was nearly in love , I was proposed to a couple of times ; on the other hand , I once went for a year without men , without sex — both seemed too much trouble .
8 I once went for a job as a fisherman .
9 I once used Body Positive to put someone recently diagnosed in touch , and I once went to a THT Safe Sex talk out of interest , but the latter was like going to a CHE ( Campaign for Homosexual Equality ) meeting for the first time and did not tell me anything I did not already know .
10 I once went to a saddler in Bungay who sold these belts ready made up .
11 I once said to a small group of Reception children working in the play area : " I 've heard that this bracelet has some strange magic powers .
12 Will McLewin rolls into town 40 minutes late , parks his battered VW van on double yellow lines in Llanberis High Street and wanders into Pete 's Eats with a mirthful , wondering , combative expression on a face I once compared to a quick and breathing version of Norman Tebbit 's .
13 The road signs ( France is the only country I know where drivers are warned about beetroot on the road : BETTERAVES , I once saw in a red warning triangle , with a picture of a car slipping out of control ) .
14 I once travelled on a train from Leeds to London with Shaun and we got on fine .
15 I usually do n't mention the fact that I once trained as a social worker .
16 I ONCE mentioned to a local farmer that my grandfather had been born in the little fishing village of Staxigoe , to the north of Wick in Caithness , and he quickly warned me not to go about repeating the story , because of the supposedly dubious reputation the natives of Staxigoe have earned themselves down the ages .
17 By contrast , I once stayed on a tiny Wyoming ranch where the teetotal owner dragged us out of bed at 5 a.m. for long , freezing horse rides into the Rockies .
18 I once worked on a magazine about the law , called , imaginatively , Law Magazine .
19 I once worked with a teacher who was called out six times in an hour to deal with comparatively trivial problems ( certainly trivial compared with the slaying of the Minotaur ) .
20 Even the family allowances , though based in their present form upon the experience and conditions of the inter-war years — when Seebohm Rowntree 's surveys in York suggested that one male in four earned less than was necessary to maintain a man , wife and two children above the poverty line — consist of a simple system of payments and enter into budgetary habits and expectations no more and no less than the fiscal allowances , of which I once suggested to a CPC conference they might be regarded as an extension .
21 I once suggested to a French audience that a book on Les silences du Colonel Polybe would be instructive .
22 I once sat on a Labour-controlled council which went out to tender and would not accept the lowest tender because it did not come from a direct labour department .
23 A little museum in Broadbank helps to tell the history of the town and right at the door is placed the Blue-stone : an enormous boulder which once stood on a street corner in the town and is thought to have been brought here by the Scandinavian ice flow .
24 You find yourself not doing a whole lot of things you once did without a thought . ’
25 And , since you asked , she once went for a policeman with her stilettoes as he tried to bundle a black man into a car outside a dance hall on the bottom of the Tottenham Court Road ( derogatory remarks in that department were still more likely to earn a black eye than a black look in The Bar ) .
26 The Sex Pistols ( who once touched on a similar subject ) also made sense , once , but although Johnny Rotten was a wry and clever ambassador for the feeling of the youth , he equally made it perfectly easy for the tabloids to pin him with yobbishness .
27 Hard-drinking Elliott , who once boasted of a ‘ very active ’ sex life , died at his home on Ibiza surrounded by his wife and two children .
28 A man who once talked to a selection committee about the battle of Waterloo , he likes his unexpected allusions and so hits us with Lobenegula ( King of the Matabele , was it ? )
29 Sex symbol Bo — who once appeared in a Tarzan film — is seeking help for zoo animals left homeless after the destruction caused by Hurricane Andrew in Miami .
30 They once lived on a housing estate , but the council was forced to move them to the isolated bungalow after complaints from neighbours .
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