Example sentences of "[pron] seem [adv] to have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Though they were as a rule sparing in the use of force , this was for reasons which seem not to have included sympathy with civil disobedience .
2 We seem now to have exhausted all possible answers to our question .
3 Suleyman 's own medreses , built round his mosque in Istanbul and completed by 966/1559 , were to form the top rungs in the fully elaborated hierarchy of medreses , though they seem not to have achieved exclusive claim to this pre-eminence immediately .
4 I dare to go further : some of the most gifted and earnest among my contemporaries — I think of Edgar Dowers in the United States and Geoffrey Hill in the United Kingdom ( though I except Hill 's wonderful Mercian Hymns ) — fall short of pleasing me as they might , because they seem not to have followed this rule of thumb , and their language is habitually for my taste a shade , or several shades , too grandiloquent or ‘ literary ’ .
5 The costumes for the Sadler 's Wells production were designed , at de Valois 's insistence , by Hedley Briggs , an old associate of hers , but they seem not to have differed materially from the ones by Hanns Ebensten which were used for the original Cape Town production .
6 The beauty and novelty of the scenery , the luxuriance of the shrubs and above all the originality of the Natives has astonished them beyond description , and so raised their enthusiasm that they seem scarcely to have felt the labour and fatigue of ascending high mountains or traversing deep glens and ravines , in fact so many wonders in the shape of animal creation have sprung up , as it were before them , that their imaginations have been kept in one continued state of delighted excitement .
7 They seem also to have underestimated the likely future increase in the cost of pensions due to the increasing numbers living into old age .
8 They seem neither to have conceptualized their experience of time nor formed an abstract idea of history .
9 It was no comfort to the church that many of the king 's judges were themselves clerics , for in Edward 's reign they clearly gave their first loyalty to the king who was employing them ; they seem seldom to have challenged his interests .
10 We do not know in detail whence the monks were recruited ; but on the whole they seem mainly to have come from the upper classes , and perhaps from the families of substantial town-dwellers .
11 The Ife smiths were so self-confident that they seem always to have allowed a casting to cool slowly inside the mould instead of splashing cold water over it so it could be opened and checked quickly , which is the usual modern African practice , The slow cooling allowed the metal crystals to grow .
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