Example sentences of "[pron] suppose [pron] must have " in BNC.

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1 I suppose they must have .
2 I suppose we must have a few cousins several times removed floating about somewhere or other , but I 've never heard of them .
3 I suppose we must have had more help than I remember , ’ he said after a while .
4 I suppose she must have her foot in plaster .
5 I suppose you must have sport and everything else too , you must do .
6 I suppose he must have resented giving this much money to her ; it was a large sum after all .
7 I suppose he must have been choosing between them .
8 I suppose he must have had more orthodox items in his wardrobe but I never saw them .
9 I suppose he must have been , to bring her back here . ’
10 I suppose he must have done , ’ Tuathal had said , thinking aloud .
11 I suppose he must have said something . ’
12 April or May , I suppose it must have been . ’
13 It seems that other young men came to stay too — I suppose it must have been a very welcome extra source of income — and I understand that Great-Grandmother Tallentire was criticized for allowing young men to stay in the house when she had daughters .
14 I suppose it must have been a portion , ’ he said uncertainly , feeling that the word was wrong .
15 I suppose it must have been about a quarter past eight .
16 I suppose it must have been because a string of boyfriends seemed quite willing to spend their last penny on her before going off to the front .
17 I suppose I must have been intending to explain to Mr Farraday how I would thus be able to explore an option which might prove the ideal solution to our present small problems here in this house .
18 I suppose I must have seen Christine Baldwin at Larksoken , probably in the canteen .
19 Beneath each frame there was a scrap of token text which I suppose I must have read .
20 I suppose I must have accepted that whatever my parents told me was good and right because I had no reason to think otherwise .
21 But I suppose I must have told them how things were between me and Richard because as I lay on my bed , in my old room , I heard Aunt Lilian telephoning .
22 ( I 've done dozens of lectures now , in front of all sorts of people , and I always make it up as I go along , although I suppose I must have a rough idea about what I 'm going to say . )
23 I suppose I must have touched him many times before , but not consciously or deliberately .
24 Because I suppose I must have appeared a bit untrustworthy , thought Caspar , what with working for the Gruagach and everything .
25 " Funny , I did n't think I 'd hit him , but I suppose I must have — must 've been the second shot .
26 ‘ Well , I suppose I must have met her , then , if you say so , but somehow I ca n't remember anything about her . ’
27 I suppose I must have got confused . ’
28 ‘ I ca n't recall any mention of them , but I suppose I must have or I would n't be able to see anything , would I ?
29 I suppose I must have been half off my head , without the booze , since Friday when Rosemary finished with me . ’
30 ‘ I read some of the things Jack said about me , and although it is n't exactly something I re-read every night , I suppose I must have been doing something right for him to make these kind comments .
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