Example sentences of "[pron] gives the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For feminists , there is another context which gives the phenomenon of pornography a different meaning : the social context of violence against women .
2 An arithmetical calculation is performed on a particular item ( in this case a word ) , thereby computing a function ( known as the hashing function ) which gives the location of the item ( and any associated data ) in a table — the hash table .
3 It 's older translation , it 's translated as charity , in the prayer book which gives the idea of giving immediate assistance to me not a theoretical future when we 're talking about trade , but an immediate .
4 The two quantities are the time taken for the waves to reach a patch and return to the Earth , which gives the range of the patches , and the Doppler-shift of such waves , which gives the motion of the patches .
5 As Earnest Kurtz argues in " Not-God " ( published by Hazelden ) , which gives the history of Alcoholics Anonymous , the process of recovery is essentially the recognition that one is not one 's self in control of the Universe , nor even of much of one 's own life , and that one is therefore Not God and nor are the mood-altering chemicals and behaviours that one previously " worshipped " .
6 Tucker 's article on developing research collections in the new universities is one of those rare pieces which gives the feel of this subject .
7 This is anticipated under s25(1) which gives the Secretary of State , after consulting the Director General of Fair Trading , the power to issue such codes of practice containing detailed guidance as to legitimate and illegitimate price comparisons and price related matters .
8 Johnston faulted his defence for being too flat in that , as an outside centre himself , the A team 's coach is quick to focus on the insufficient depth which gives the player in that berth no chance to cover such a thrust by the opposition 's inside centre .
9 A two-part Index is printed at the end of the Relationships Listing which gives the number of the page within the report on which the details of the module may be found .
10 When a high-speed camera is used , it produces an action picture which gives the impression of illustrating a posed position .
11 Their heads have a horizontal split which gives the appearance of a visor .
12 They said : " It is this crystallization of the elements of the village in accordance with a definitely organised life of mutual relations respect or service , which gives the appearance of organic whole the home of a community , to what would otherwise be a mere agglomeration of building " ( 1901 p 92 ) .
13 The two quantities are the time taken for the waves to reach a patch and return to the Earth , which gives the range of the patches , and the Doppler-shift of such waves , which gives the motion of the patches .
14 As much as anything else it is this room for rational argument and passionate controversy which gives the study of History such colour , interest and value .
15 This itself gives the lie to the notion that America is a secular republic .
16 The word ‘ panspermia ’ in itself gives the clue to the common element in this group of theories , The Greek prefix pan means ‘ all ’ ; the spermia part of the word comes from the Greek for ‘ seed ’ .
17 It might seem a strange choice for a man who gives the appearance of , and sounds very much , a Home Counties man .
18 The author draws the conversation to a close with the comment that Murray was still too young to realise that ‘ fighting under any circumstances is a dreadful business , and that the person who gives the cause for the fight does a very wicked thing , utterly hateful in the sight of God .
19 And he gives the whole of existence a reason . ’
20 He may be a grandfather who has survived heart surgery and likes nothing better than spending time with his family but , like a retired gunslinger who can only be pushed so far , he gives the impression of still being capable of strapping on a Colt 45 and facing up to a gaggle of tobacco-stained desperadoes .
21 In fact he took neither course ; in his own account — in The Prelude — he gives the impression of a drifter , ‘ detached from academic cares ’ , and he tells us that he ‘ did not love … our scholastic studies ’ .
22 He gives the impression of recognizing rather than of discovering .
23 He gives the impression of being used to work , strong and rough .
24 Here we offer you a foretaste of his clarity of thought and witty expression as well as the exhilarating certainty he gives the reader of the importance of art and reflection
25 He gives the example of Johnny Saxon who , three years after winning the world welterweight title , was charged with burglary and eventually institutionalized at New Jersey State Mental Hospital : ‘ Boxing does not leave all its scars on a fighter 's face ’ ( 1973 , p.325 ) .
26 Well he gives the example of a contemporary member of parliament , Mister Andrew Marvel who apparently was erm , because members of parliament were not paid at this time , he was sponsored by his constituents , so they subscribed to a he was so good they managed to subscribe to and he thinks that this is the ideal solution , if someone is really worthwhile , then their constituents would be happy to pay their salary directly , rather than , than have salaried jobs .
27 Gumperz ( 1982 : 82 ) points out , for example , that monolingual speakers are not always quoted in the language they normally use : he gives the example of a Slovenian bilingual quoting another Slovenian 's talk in German .
28 It is Morland Beddoes who is right , and he gives the answer to those who have called Elizabeth 's work ‘ trivial ’ ; it is life .
29 The reason for for local plan consultation is such that erm it gives the opportunity for objectors to make comments and otherwise , and that District Council and the the County Council erm should consider er objections and it 's i it it happens that erm the local authorities you know can change their mind as the process goes along .
30 ‘ The most important thing about the Prince of Wales Initiative is that it gives the opportunity for other industries to share their knowledge of environmental protection , ’ she says .
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