Example sentences of "[pron] left [noun prp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I left Bainbridge by the lane leading out of the village from the Post Office .
2 I left Taff at the entrance to the farm and watched him as he continued along the road then , as he clambered up the grass bank and disappeared among the trees , I turned into the farm .
3 Benjamin and I left Royston in the last week of November , when the days grew dark early and the sun disappeared a few hours after noon .
4 I left Poppy at the home surrounded by lots of new toys .
5 I left Scotland at the end of 1968 .
6 I left Werewolf with a withering look and headed for the edge of the road , cutting back deeper into the trees so I could n't be seen from the farmhouse when I reached the fenced-off field .
7 By the time I left Heathrow on a cold , miserable January evening , arrangements had been made for me to visit Melbourne and Sydney , in addition to a fortnight in Western Australia .
8 That was not game , set and match for Britain ; it was a lousy piece of negotiation which left Britain on the sidelines of Europe .
9 Another factor in this growing support was the relegation of Bradford City , which left Huddersfield as the only centre of First Division soccer in the West Riding .
10 Some say 1972 was a fight to the death , which left Jacklin as the slain gladiator .
11 Traditionally the knocker boys — descended from former London barrow boys who left London in the 1950s , originally to make inroads into the town 's fruit and veg business — have been based in Brighton .
12 The regime decided that the man who would lead the miracle was Kurt Tank , an aircraft designer who left Germany after the war for a new life in South America .
13 The great wave of migrants who left Greece in the 1950s and 1960s subsided long ago .
14 His parents , Abraham and Beattie , were ordinary , respectable , middle-class Jews who owned an electrical-goods store in the town ; his grandfather , who left Russia in the 1920s , had been a peddler and a shoemaker .
15 Their devastated father Garry — a computer company executive who left England for a new life in Ireland 20 years ago -said : ‘ I am so numb at the loss of my two beautiful children .
16 In the middle of July she left Paris for a brief trip to England .
17 She left Alexandra in no doubt that whatever services Carlo might have performed on Gina 's behalf , they had not been confined to public relations but had included private ones as well .
18 Just before she left England for the travels during which she acquired this souvenir , Johnson tore up all her letters in his anger at her marriage with the Italian musician Gabriele Piozzi .
19 She left England after the 1688 Revolution and followed the Stuart family into exile at St Germain .
20 For it is now certain that she left Shrewsbury on the cart that was returning with gifts from the devout to our needy and afflicted abbey .
21 We left Bilen on the morning of 9 December and camped five hours later in thick bush on the edge of a swamp that extended out of sight along the river .
22 We left Japan under the screws of the deflationary Dodge stabilization plan ( chapter 6 ) .
23 We left Miami on a Tuesday afternoon and were in A-1 's Los Angeles ' office by midday on Saturday .
24 We left Canjuers on the Monday morning and arrived later on that day at a small village , from where we would march back on foot to Orange .
25 We left Paris by the Porte D'Orleans and found ourselves back amongst the tilled meadows and windmills which ring the city .
26 We left England on a dark cold night , but as we approached the Island the clear lights of towns and villages sparkled like jewels .
27 ‘ On 16 April we left Greenock on the old aircraft carrier ‘ Argus ’ with twenty-four Hurricanes , twenty-five pilots and an appropriate number of fitters and riggers for Gibraltar ( although we did not know our precise destination at the time , of course .
28 At the end of March we left Bombay in a P and O liner to Aden , and from there crossed to Jibuti in HMS Juno , flagship of the East Indies Squadron .
29 They left Hobart with a small party on a government schooner bound for port Davey , but got no further than Recherche Bay before being prevented by stormy weather for a fortnight .
30 They left Hanssen with the dogs , and skied a little way up the mountains .
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