Example sentences of "[pron] does not include a " in BNC.

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1 The business being sold , which does not include a freehold site at Atlanta , Georgia , makes timber treatment chemicals under the ‘ Supatimber ’ name .
2 Guest accommodation ( which does not include a lounge ) is in a linked annexe .
3 The moral to be drawn is that if we are to give an account of knowledge which does not include a requirement of certainty , our account should make room for the notion of certainty somewhere ; if it sees certainty as a requirement for a knowledge claim it needs to be able to explain in its own terms why that should be so .
4 Effectively this means that some students at least are initially anxious at the prospect of any language work with a grammatical focus which does not include a formalisation of the data and a description of the rules by the teacher .
5 It does not include a flight delay , since flight delay cover is automatically included in our insurance .
6 It does not include a ruling on methyl chloroform which accounts for five per cent of depletion and carbon tetrachloride which is responsible for eight per cent .
7 ‘ Conveyance ’ means any conveyance construed or adapted for the carriage of a person or persons whether by land , water or air , except that it does not include a conveyance constructed or adapted for use only under the control of a person not carried in or on it , and ‘ drive ’ shall be construed accordingly .
8 ‘ Your turf , Miss Would-Be Lesbian Heart-Throb , may include every dyke bar and women-only disco between here and Brixton , but it does not include a Chasidic wedding hall .
9 Figure 4.21(a) is not acceptable from a Codasyl standard : it does not include a set name .
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