Example sentences of "[pron] 'll find an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of these days , though , I 'll find an office where there really is a Mr Middleditch and I would have to leave a well-wrapped paperback edition of The Story of 0 .
2 Turn back again and you 'll find an ending all too real , which is fitting .
3 Make a habit of the place and you 'll fall asleep but wander down there every now and again and you 'll find an edge most other Liverpool drinking streets lack .
4 You 'll find an oilskin jacket in the locker at the foot of the stairs , ’ I said , ‘ and you 'll also discover that Ellen has left a Thermos of coffee on the stove , and I like mine without sugar but with milk .
5 Underneath you 'll find an oven big enough for a family-sized turkey .
6 Come on , I 'm hungry , let's go get some lunch and then we 'll find an estate agent .
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