Example sentences of "[pron] never hear [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Fribble , who had been eating his supper with industrious pleasure , said , ‘ I never heard that story until lately , you know .
2 No , I never heard that name round here an' I 've lived here all my life …
3 ‘ Course , there 's badgers up in the banks but I never heard that name — ’ She broke off .
4 I never heard such nonsense , ’ he blustered .
5 I never heard such nonsense . "
6 In more than one case , I never heard another word .
7 The funny thing is I never heard that noise again .
8 Same as stud grooms , you never heard much stud grooms getting the sack .
9 You never heard that story ? ’
10 you never heard any thing about that golf tournament that you won , have you ?
11 Oh course I can Erm there was a game that we called er Tin Lurky You probably wo n't well you never hear that expression now and er we used to get this old t any tin can and er you somebody would kick it you see and er the one that was sort of one used to have to fur and fetch this tin an bring it back again and then was should all hide , sounds a daft silly game , I know , but this one had to find us and the first one he found it was his turn next to fetch the tin and then find us again .
12 it must have been about four or five o'clock in morning , and now we never hear any traffic .
13 We never heard any grumbling , everyone ate everything and we never heard of any health problems ( if there were any ) ; it was totally refreshing for all to be themselves and be accepted as they were .
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