Example sentences of "[pron] did [adv] go to " in BNC.

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1 Both of these places are within walking distance of Docklands but I did not go to the Great British Beer Festival .
2 But I did not go to the Great British Beer Festival .
3 There were no European schools in Narayanganj so that I did not go to school until I was 12 ; Jon was 14 .
4 But I did not go to his church .
5 No , I did not go to Whitefriars .
6 But I 'm afraid I did not go to the opera . ’
7 I went upstairs , but I did n't go to my room .
8 I did n't go to work thinking about the Nobel Prize .
9 Then I began to go to the temple and I did n't go to Sunday school any more , because I had been to the seaside lots and lots of times — the same one every time .
10 Actually , I did n't go to the hairdresser once during the five months I was in Private Lives and my hair became healthier from not being subjected to heated rollers or setting lotion .
11 I did n't go to the cinema , ’ you said .
12 I did n't go to the cinema ! ’
13 I did n't go to Lourdes for a miracle but Lourdes makes me appreciate each day and thank God for Zoe .
14 So I 'm uncomfortable , but in the positive sense that I did n't go to no acting school , so all I 'm doing is being myself . ’
15 I 'm just as good as he is , even if I did n't go to Eton . ’
16 I did n't go to university , Nigel did .
17 And I did n't go to the women 's guilds because I did n't have the knowledge .
18 Well I was t taking piano lessons , studying for the exams I went over the top , I had to give it up and I did n't go to school then for another eighteen months .
19 But I did n't go to the altar ; to be honest it was n't for lack of offers , but because they always seemed to come from people I would n't have been caught dead at an altar with .
20 I did n't go to Africa , I did n't go to Latin America , I did n't suffer for liberation theology .
21 I did n't go to Africa , I did n't go to Latin America , I did n't suffer for liberation theology .
22 I 'm not a gentleman myself , and I did n't go to school , but I 've got you , Pip !
23 ‘ Why I did n't go to bed with Warren Beatty ’ by actress Sean Young
25 I did n't go to them , instead I went to the Josephs ’ bedroom . ’
26 I did n't go to the stationary cupboard quite as often as I did before , ’ says manager of quality and training , Claudia McCabe , one of 1000 managers .
27 I did n't go to my father 's funeral and Mum did n't speak to me for about a year .
28 Of course , when Mother was living with me I did n't go to the club every night .
29 ‘ They 'll never understand why I did n't go to them in the first place .
30 ‘ If I did n't go to Uncle Willi 's party , everyone would know … ’
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