Example sentences of "[pron] could neither [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I felt quite calm , though I could neither eat nor drink .
2 Smith suffered periodically from gout — in 1720 he wrote that the drawing of a sketch ‘ at this time has occasioned me to make many a wry face by reason I could neither sit nor stand to do it ’ — and in his later years he put on weight : ‘ It is unlucky that Mr. Smith is grown so unweildy , ’ commented Dr George Clarke [ q.v. ] of All Souls College , Oxford , in 1730 .
3 Pink-eyed and lachrymose , I returned to the lens boutique in the Earls Court Road ( on the cornea actually ) and complained bitterly that the lenses were a pair of over-priced disasters through which I could neither see nor play Neil Simon .
4 Pink-eyed and lachrymose , I returned to the lens boutique in the Earls Court Road ( on the cornea , actually ) and complained bitterly that the lenses were a pair of over-priced disasters through which I could neither see nor play Neil Simon .
5 Up behind the desk , ‘ Pansy ’ Fanshawe was preparing to see how sodium reacted with something whose name I could neither remember nor pronounce .
6 For a moment or two I could neither breathe nor move .
7 The frisson of angry surprise and the instant impulse to prepare for a resort to arms which greeted the inevitable puncturing of those myths were therefore emotions I could neither share nor understand .
8 Certainly mention of Cailliet and Bédé brings back Eliot to a familiar uniting of primitive and urban as , after stating that ‘ I myself would like an audience which could neither read nor write ’ , he recalls Sweeney Agonistes ( published in book form in December 1932 ) and speaks of the poet as ‘ something of a popular entertainer … having a part to play in society as worthy as that of the music-hall comedian ’ .
9 An avid reader of classical literature and a disciple of Tolstoy and Zola , she was a shining-star amongst the thousands of immigrant women in the city of Glasgow , many of whom could neither read or write .
10 In the final condition , the mother was hidden behind a metal screen so that she could neither see nor be seen by the pair in the observation room .
11 His lips were slightly parted , and she could neither see nor hear the thin whisper of breath .
12 Absurdly , she felt jealous of Student Cross as of some unknown quantity , some hidden source of fascination , whose attraction she could neither understand nor compete with .
13 The hard warmth of him annihilated her last reservations , substituting instead some primitive , age-old need she could neither deny nor control .
14 The cries for mercy were not confined to the chapel , but extended to the streets , and men and women were seen … in the streets , supported on each side from the chapel to their houses , for they could neither stand nor walk , and were not ashamed to , " cry to Him who is able to save " .
15 International athletics officials insisted they could neither confirm nor deny the report .
16 But Central Office could exert only informal pressure , since it could neither bully nor bribe its local supporters , and this is exactly what Steel-Maitland set out to do through his district agents .
17 He could neither cook nor sew .
18 He was arrested and tortured in German and Italian prisons , and once was confined in a bottle-dungeon in which he could neither sit nor stand up .
19 ‘ But what have I become ? ’ he cried out , suddenly aware of the ridiculous , ineffective , by-passed figure he was , trailing aimlessly into woods whose trees he could neither distinguish nor enjoy .
20 There was a lot of symbolism connected with Piggy in the book : his glasses were a symbol for sight and wisdom ; as when Piggy took them off he could neither think nor see properly .
21 His glasses were the main symbol for sight and intelligence as when Piggy took them off he could neither think nor see properly .
22 The typical prisoner of nightmare , he could neither shout nor move .
23 He could neither move nor think , as if all power had at a stroke been cut off from both body and brain .
24 He begged permission to look inside it , which the airport authorities granted , knowing that he could neither fly nor navigate .
25 Dougal almost felt he was tampering with something he could neither understand nor control .
26 He could neither lie nor sit comfortably , and when he walked about , the pressure under his collarbone was intense .
27 We were both shocked to discover that he could neither ride nor walk , and was lying on the grass , waiting for us .
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