Example sentences of "[pron] would [adv] happen [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It would surely happen again .
2 But it would n't happen again .
3 She certainly did n't need to get wound up about it , especially as it was fairly certain it would n't happen again .
4 Again , in that head-state , I could feel anger that I could have made such a mistake , and a determination it would n't happen again .
5 The British emissary , Sir Harry Parkes , urged that a railway line should be built to ensure that it would not happen again , and the first line , connecting Tokyo to Yokohama , was duly opened in 1872 .
6 In April Mandela had admitted that the 1984 mutineers had been tortured , but said that steps had been taken to ensure that it would not happen again .
7 But , of course , it would not happen too often , she thought astringently .
8 In his view it would not happen as easily or as quickly but the key point is , it could happen while maintaining the status quo .
9 But , for one thing , the sheer size of the defeat made him and his players determined that it would never happen again and , for another , the power of Lillee and Thomson made him realize just what a potent weapon a battery of fast bowlers would be .
10 It was the first time in years that I had blown my top in such a way , and I vowed that it would never happen again , that I would save all my aggression for the track .
11 many times , at one time I thought it would never happen again , I thought this was it forever , but life is n't like that , things happen and it does change .
12 And it would never happen again .
13 But it would never happen again .
14 ‘ The flats were flooded two and a half years ago and we were promised that it would never happen again . ’
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