Example sentences of "[pron] has [be] developed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of these , PC-Hornet , which has been developed over the past 10 years , will be shown for the first time by McDonnell Douglas .
2 These major companies are very stable , with an organisational structure which has been developed over many years and , like the Japanese Zaibatsu , they have a large-core business which is able to withstand changes in the market place .
3 It may be related to the size , complexity and nature of the company 's operation and therefore to the organisational structure which has been developed over many years .
4 This is not simply innate or pure ability , but ability which has been developed through the process of the curriculum ; not merely the ‘ good mind ’ but the ‘ trained mind ’ ( See Chapter 4 ) .
5 How can its innately progressive potentials be contained in a form which has been developed through the operation of the market , and which , in Cutler 's argument , represents a culture completely external to its users , completely hegemonic ( not resistible in present circumstances ) , and having ‘ no need of artistic value … [ having ] become , effectively , an instrument of class oppression ’ ( Cutler 1984 : 291 ) .
6 An example of the latter is Integrated Training Education & Development , the standards-based training programme for managers , which has been developed with involvement across the Group , pioneered especially at Grimsby in the UK and is now going forward to other sites .
7 The information ( about approximately 5,000 individuals ) has been stored in one computer file which has been developed for ease of access .
8 One such is an experimental GIS which has been developed for the CORINE ( Coordinated Information on the European Environment ) programme of the European Community .
9 The debate which deals with these matters will be referred to and the conceptual apparatus which has been developed in that debate will be used where appropriate .
10 This link , which has been developed in the UK and Ireland , is unique within the European Community and has enabled insurance companies and pension funds to operate with greater freedom which in turn has resulted in greater value for the consumer .
11 Another approach to the problem of chronic prescribing is that which has been developed by Vithoulkas in Greece , Orthega in Mexico , and Masi and Paschero in Argentina — that of finding the essence of the remedies , or the scarlet thread or idea running through all the various aspects of the remedy picture .
12 Royal Insurance has bought 75 IV workstations for its UK and Republic of Ireland branches and uses various programs , including Writing for Results , a guide to good business writing which has been developed by IIS .
13 It 's based upon an environment called Fresco , which has been developed by Professor Mark Linton , now principal researcher at Silicon Graphics Inc .
14 Block 36 , in North West Frontier Province , contains the Ramak prospect which has been developed by LASMO 's exploration department in Karachi .
15 I am delighted to have the opportunity of welcoming you to WISE VI — this special mobile laboratory which The Nottingham Trent University has funded to provide your pupils and colleagues with a chance to experience the excitement of working with the equipment on board , which has been developed by the :
16 This theory , which has been developed from an extensive survey of landscape paintings , argues that landscapes are highly symbolic habitats in which the most valued landscapes allow us to see ( prospect ) without being seen ( refuge ) and therefore relate to our origins as hunter-gatherers .
17 This project will test a theory of how people recognize objects and pictures , which has been developed from previous work by the author and supported by the ESRC The theory helps us to understand ; 1 .
18 Oh dear , perhaps this is not the sort of comment investors like to hear concerning a food which has been developed from toadstools .
19 FAXgrabber itself has been developed by Calera Recognition Systems which has become a leader in optical character recognition ( OCR ) technology which allows computers to ‘ read ’ .
20 The first in a new generation of colours , it has been developed as a result of Armitage Shanks ' research in to the tastes of today 's consumers .
21 Although the work has medical and therapeutic origins , it has been developed as a regular part of the Medau method of physical education and is intended for people of any age who are in normal health .
22 Simple and efficient , it has been developed beyond the prototype stage with a mark one version now in operation .
23 It has been developed by responding to the needs of 13,000 customers over 11 years .
24 But it has been developed by Perrow to apply to the actions which administrators perform on the objects of their decision-making .
25 It has been developed in conjunction with leading dental experts and a two minute brush with the Oral B is equivalent to six minutes with an ordinary toothbrush .
26 It has been developed in response to customer demand and requests from Branch Banking Division for a more streamlined system .
27 Born out of a need to have some form of remote means to neutralise a device , it has been developed throughout the present campaign to its current form , the Mark 8 .
28 The company now hopes to transfer what has been developed to another vendor — Digital Equipment Corp sells the Y-MP EL , but has been less successful than Cray hoped .
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