Example sentences of "[pron] were likely to be " in BNC.

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1 I used to believe it was possible to make forecasts — market forecasts in particular — which were likely to be accurate .
2 The course planned to use some experimental learning and group work exercises , both of which were likely to be new concepts to the participants .
3 But when Dr Dee ( a scientist too aware of his Welsh descent to want to use the word ‘ English ’ ) wrote about the British Empire in the 1570s he was discussing the prospect of possessions beyond the seas , which were likely to be linked to England by the bond of allegiance to the sovereign more than by anything else .
4 How many men were there in Vienna known to Fräulein Müller , who were likely to be on the scene when needed , and now preferred to remain anonymous ?
5 Concern was once more focused upon the bottom forty per cent who were likely to be , in the words of one report , the ‘ Untrained , Unqualified and Unemployed ’ ( National Youth Employment Council , 1974 ) .
6 Each religion developed its own particular insight , but had to cater for a number of different needs : if you were born in India , for example , you were likely to be either a Buddhist or a Hindu .
7 Gone are the days when you were likely to be alone on the rim path , but if the five miles escarpment is included as part of a longer circuit of the vast moorland , walkers seeking solitude will find their fair share — and a good test of their navigation skills .
8 And as it happened , we were likely to be able to go .
9 He was one-paced and , even at this lowly level , there were likely to be one or two horses behind her with a touch of finishing speed .
10 I asked Joyce what aspect of her phobia she felt still remained and she said that she would like to be able to go into an open space such as a park , where there were likely to be many more birds around .
11 Lyn Nofziger and Lee Atwater took responsibility for stimulating outside pressure on congressmen from fifty-four swing districts — areas of the country where there were likely to be many conservative activists and where the president had run strongly in 1980 .
12 I did drop a bit of business into the pleasantries , like asking if there were likely to be any hand deliveries that morning .
13 They also regarded their influence as a finite resource to be husbanded , used on major issues , and not frittered away on minor skirmishes or issues on which they were likely to be in a minority in Cabinet .
14 One primary school teacher from Gile describes the problems of keeping a school going once the villagers knew they were likely to be attacked by the forces of Renamo :
15 ‘ Few projects for amending the condition of the needy , and for the reduction of parish rates , would be so beneficially devised as to build lodging houses in places where they were likely to be let : and in what way could money be more securely deposited than by a general subscription , in shares of fifty or one hundred pounds each : five thousand pounds would build a number of houses , worth from five to twenty-five pounds per annum , or double that sum if furnished . ’
16 One government , anxious to steam-roller its programme through , scheduled five such Bills in a single motion , for no better reason than that they were likely to be vigorously opposed .
17 Painters had to accept that they were likely to be ignored , shunned , set on by dogs like tramps , under suspicion like wandering lunatics and criminals .
18 Initially , if they belonged to the Church of England , they were likely to be of the evangelical tendency so disturbing to comfortable Anglican parsons and laymen .
19 In this survey they looked at the different kinds of training and jobs undertaken by black people and found that they were likely to be doing worse jobs than white youth irrespective of their qualifications .
20 A spokesperson from Essex County Council said the council was looking into planting trees on the verge but it considered they were likely to be less effective there .
21 In the 1970s the average family size of graduate women at the time of interview ( 1.53 ) was considerably lower than the fertility of women with no further education ( 2.04 ) ( Cartwright 1978 ) and they were likely to be childless .
22 Now , at the sight of the river , Bigwig 's assurance was leaking again and unless he , Hazel , could restore it in some way , they were likely to be in for trouble .
23 The children with whom I worked had the least opportunity in terms of personal development and careers , and they were likely to be drawn into a variety of different forms of behaviour , among which the first was often the use of and then addiction to tobacco .
24 Obviously most firms would readily sacrifice some profit if it meant that they were likely to be in business for some time .
25 Leftists and Republicans were therefore entitled to feel that whether the right as a whole , or merely one element of it , achieved power , the consequences for them were likely to be more or less equally unpleasant .
26 In fact , one would expect a public authority always to be inclined to search for a way to reach the same decision legally the second time round , if only to save face ; and the incentive to do so would be even greater if it were likely to be required to pay damages should it decide that its earlier loss-causing decision ought to be changed .
27 The confusion arose between the subsequent press briefings given by the hon. and learned Member for Grantham ( Mr. Hogg ) , the Minister of State , Foreign and Commonwealth Office , and the Prime Minister 's statements about what were likely to be the maximum number of warheads on the Trident programme .
28 In the first of what were likely to be several criminal prosecutions resulting from the collapse of the Lincoln , Keating was convicted of misleading small investors over the sale of junk bonds — high-risk , high-yield securities — in American Continental Corp. , of which the Lincoln was a subsidiary .
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