Example sentences of "[pron] 's easy [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The success of Windows has legitimized faxing from a PC — it 's cheap , it 's easy and has many advantages over the conventional fax machine .
2 I think he should get a hearing aid — it 's easier than shouting all the time .
3 And h let him realize that he 's remembering these , and it 's easier than looking it up every time .
4 Yeah it 's easier than picking the pack up in n it ?
5 I decide to change , it 's easier than painting my nails again .
6 It 's easier than falling off a log .
7 You mean it 's easier than having some creep loaded with policies pestering me at my digs — ’
8 erm Somebody on this morning 's course said that they quite like answering machines , they use them like note pads , and they ring up people they know have got an answering machine so they can just leave a message , they say it 's quicker than writing a letter , and it 's easier than talking to them for hours , you can just ring them up and leave a message on their answering machine like a sort of note pad , which I had n't thought of , but I suppose it 's rather good , is n't it !
9 Yes , all that rhythm , one day you have it the next you do n't , and er Lawrence has certainly got it today , you can tell by just looking at a bowler running in , if he 's easy and relaxed , Lawrence I suppose never really looks relaxed when he 's belting into bowl , but he 's clicked he 's , he 's right at the crease .
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