Example sentences of "[pron] had already be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have been here that long I thought that I had already been on … ‘
2 I had already been to the dinner party .
3 Following my economically truthful pronouncements on the local meteorological trends ( I had already been for a pee ) , he reluctantly committed himself to an extended struggle with frozen boots and gaiters , muttering foul oaths about his much vaunted , but now soaked , pair of newly customised salopettes .
4 ‘ I guess it was a big gamble to turn my back on Neighbours but I felt I had already been in the show too long , ’ says Kristian , who will still be seen in the soap in Britain for another 12 months .
5 Fortunately I had already been in touch with the Edinburgh Green Belt Trust , whose representative I met by chance on their stand in an exhibition marquee during Environment Week .
6 An example is the 1975 pay award in BR , which had already been through the RSNT when the Prime Minister Harold Wilson intervened to press management to resume negotiations and make a higher offer ( see ch. 9 ) .
7 Perhaps she had already been to one .
8 She had already been in her cups , and became hysterical , and then suicidal .
9 Only the 107 who had already been to courses were asked this question and the replies are shown in Table 24 .
10 How much more able to make that judgement were those colleagues who had already been on the board for seven years or more ? ’
11 Quickly he led them to a table , produced menus and wine , but deep in her despairing heart Alex was convinced that it was the surprise of someone seeing a customer who had already been in once that evening .
12 But what if at the moment of birth the whole of one 's life to come were to flash before one 's eyes and then to be immediately wiped away , forgotten , while we laboriously go through all the pleasures and sorrows , all the hopes and frustrations that make up a life , meeting people and parting from them , listening to them and speaking to them , to go through tasting all we taste in the course of our long lives , seeing all we see , every leaf at every moment and every cloud at every moment , and hearing all we hear , the hooting of every car and the singing of every bird and every performance of the Brandenburg concertos , go through all that , in time , very slowly , though we had already been through it all , every moment of it , leaf , cloud , concerto , in one brief but intense instant , everything perfectly formed but over in less than a second ?
13 I say that I thought we had already been through all this .
14 Worst of all , no one seemed to have remembered that we had already been round this particular course , decided the policy , and rejected compulsory private health insurance .
15 Although this put dioxins in the public spotlight , there had already been at least nine similar accidents , including one in Derbyshire in 1968 and in Germany in 1953 .
16 The militia lost heart at this news ; they had already been on duty for a month , and had been treated with extraordinary meanness by the citizens they were defending , who , they complained , ‘ would not even allow straw for the poor men to lay upon ’ while ‘ some were eight , some seven , and all six nights and days under arms upon the walls ’ .
17 The chronicler Roger of Wendover wrote that at the Council of Oxford in 1227 , ‘ the King caused to be cancelled and annulled all the charters of liberties of the forest , although they had already been in force in the whole realm for two years ’ : the earls who rebelled in July were said to have compelled the king to restore the charters by the threat of armed force .
18 The " ceremonious stomachs " of Russian ambassadors " whose Nation stands so much on Ceremony " were the subject of comment in England in the early years of the century , as they had already been in the reign of Elizabeth .
19 He had already been to quite a number of shows where he competed in halter classes ; but this wag the first occasion where he was ridden in a saddle class .
20 His first job was to start his teams to plough : he had already been on the field the day before to mark out the stetches .
21 To his surprise he had already been in here ten minutes .
22 Two of the women who were moved up with me had already been in prison , one for about a year , one for about eight months , so they knew what to expect .
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