Example sentences of "[pron] had ever [been] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Our friendship had brought us closer than I had ever been with anyone before .
2 The meeting was held in Harvey Haddon Stadium in Nottingham , and it was the first time that I had ever been on an Inter-City train .
3 It was the first funeral I had ever been to where there was genuine laughter .
4 I was going to be lazier than I had ever been in my life !
5 My perennial thoughts of transsexualism and suicide never left me , but in many ways I was happier than I had ever been in my life .
6 Indeed , the furthest I had ever been in my pre-television life was a day trip to Loch Lomond on a bus .
7 With a sense of shock Harriet realised that in the last hours Paula had become more of a stranger to her than she had ever been during the twenty years she had believed her dead .
8 It would be the first time she had ever been with John to a place that was part of her own particular world , unless one counted the Ash Wednesday lunchtime service at her uncle 's church .
9 The only dances she had ever been to had been school dances , and she wanted to go to this one .
10 Sylvie had come the closest she had ever been to begging .
11 He asked her , smiling over the top of his glass , if she had ever been to bed with a man and when she said ‘ not exactly ’ he had burst out laughing and touched her cheek with one strong brown hand .
12 She was more frightened than she had ever been in her life , but fright gave her strength .
13 I even found it difficult to believe that she had ever been in cahoots with Mr Broadhurst .
14 There was no getting away from the fact that sometimes being with Miguel made Shelley feel happier than she had ever been in her life .
15 This time last week it had been , last Saturday , when she and Miguel had spent some time together and she was as happy as she had ever been in her life — until that moment when she discovered just how much of a fool he had made of her …
16 ‘ I did n't know you had ever been on the stage . ’
17 The Alpine snows closed over his militant steps , and the sinners he had excommunicated for one reason or another turned their thoughts from irregular union or simony , if they had ever been on them , and peered into the mists of what promised to be a very long vacancy .
18 ‘ Friends , many of them believers , came up afterwards and said it was the most beautiful funeral they had ever been to .
19 Nick 's friends wrote that it was the best party they had ever been to , a truly unforgettable occasion .
20 For a while my self-loathing and judgement of self went deeper than they had ever been in my life .
21 Maggie was shown into a very expensive flat that overlooked the river and she had one of her rare glimpses of the owner as he stood with his back to a roaring fire and regarded her through eyes that were just as sharp as they had ever been in his youth .
22 During the last few days before the event , as spectators arrived from , Ayrshire was busier than it had ever been in its history .
23 Praying was ten times as hard as it had ever been in Africa , so was steering clear of hatred , a problem Isobel had never encountered before .
24 Taking all these things together , I think they give ground for the suspicion expressed by Mr. Henderson and other Labour ministers that Mr. MacDonald had deliberately planned the scheme of a National government ; which would at the same time enable him to retain the position of Prime Minister and to associate with colleagues with whom he was more in sympathy than he had ever been with his Labour colleagues …
25 Passion had swept in then , and he had entered her , unable to help himself , clinging to her as she had earlier clung to him , and although he had been gentler than he had ever been with any other woman , she had cried out , and her face had twisted with pain , and Fergus had felt blood on his thighs .
26 As he finished shaving he found he was grinning broadly at his reflection in the mirror ; in that jungle dawn he knew he was as happy as he had ever been in his life .
27 Soon he was exploring parts he felt no-one had ever been in before .
28 She could have had fun out there with Kelly , even though neither of them had ever been on skis before .
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