Example sentences of "[pron] i have [adv] hear " in BNC.

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1 My application to do research at Cambridge was accepted , provided I got a first , but to my annoyance my supervisor was not Hoyle but a man called Denis Sciama , of whom I had not heard .
2 All I know is that by the time we had entered into residence again that autumn , we found we had made so little progress , and had remained so vague about our aims that , one evening , Harold Mason and I , who had seen more of each other than we did anyone else in the group , resolved to abandon the project altogether ; and I therefore wrote to Eliot , from whom I had not heard further , telling him that our plan had made so little headway that I felt it my duty to tell him not to trouble himself any more .
3 He played me a record of some Stockhausen , whom I 'd never heard of . ’
4 The legal position in relation to the ag arrangement is uncertain since it is not expressed to provide it for in the will of Mrs who is , who is the very kindly elderly neighbour who is the landlord , but is only contained in a letter of Mrs from whom I have not heard in evidence .
5 Interested readers will be aware that a couple of years ago , two new recordings of the 1915 version of El Amor brujo were released , one from Virgin with Aquarius ( which I 've not heard ) , the other from Nuova Era with the Carmé Ensemble .
6 Most of them used local girls , but I decided to go to the famous state-run Eros Centre in Hamburg , which I 've since heard has been closed down due to the AIDS scare .
7 There 's a sense in which I think you are saying something which I 've often heard people say recently , and that is that in a day , in a time of rapid change , we personally and collectively need to make sense of where we 're going , our futures , in terms of our past .
8 J. had been with the now famous 617 Squadron for a time , and in talking about this he was able to furnish me with details of an incident which I had vaguely heard of while I was at Bourn .
9 A recent ( excellent ) paper by Frank Sulloway in the Galapagos symposium at the Linnean society in December was also in part devoted to demolishing myths which I had never heard of .
10 Pike gave us all four verses , including the one about the wagon train being painted green , which I had never heard before .
11 He was like just being an adviser , he was n't like trying to design it , and I looked at it all for a long time and I said Bembo , which I had never heard of .
12 I thought of Sir Charles ' death , and the awful sound of the hound , which I had now heard twice .
13 I can not substitute my own view of the evidence , which I have not heard .
14 Very occasionally a new phrase disconcertingly emerges which I have never heard before .
15 He has a soft dark brown voice , which I have never heard him raise , an acute sense of the ridiculous , and we 're extremely bad for each other .
16 St John , who I had never heard laugh before , actually laughed out loud at my shocked face .
17 ‘ Fees of £1m are being suggested these days for some players who I have hardly heard of .
18 ‘ I told you I 'd never heard of him . ’
19 ‘ Just before Micky died , he said something I 've never heard him say before . ’
20 Or was there another sister , one I had n't heard of ?
21 It was a human sound , but unlike one I had ever heard before .
22 Mm that 's the worse one I 've ever heard .
23 it 's one I 've never heard of prosperity
24 THIS MUST BE A YEAR FOR SURPRISING pianists and here 's one I have never heard of before : young Belgian Laurent de Wilde , whose latest album is ‘ Odd and Blue ’ ( IDA Records ) .
25 A more utterly feeble excuse for sacking anyone I 've never heard — it 's just not like the Old Man , " he said , doing a volte-face .
26 She said I just went in there and she said I could n't stand any more , she said do you know Joy she said you 're one of the nicest people I know , she said I tell you what I 've never heard in my life two people stab somebody like you 're being stabbed , she says I could n't sit there any more
27 The reality that those things were being said of her was just beyond her comprehension , and for myself I have never heard something so outrageous in all my life . ’
28 ‘ When the crowd really got behind us I had not heard a noise like it in seven years , ’ said co-manager Alan Curbishley .
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