Example sentences of "[pron] you [vb mod] [be] doing " in BNC.

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1 Till you you 'll be doing , we 'll have to find another table .
2 Something you 'll be doing rather a lot of , ’ said Robert , ‘ if you insist on wearing those ridiculous clothes . ’
3 And there may be something you should be doing to help your own situation or the situation of someone else .
4 Grace is this really something you should be doing ?
5 I thought you would do I thought there was something you 'd be doing I wo n't be sure now I 'm gon na put that tax disc in
6 You next time you come to do it you 'll be doing you 'll remember nearly as much as we 're doing today but perhaps some odd little bits you 'll think , ooh now how did we do that I ca n't quite work out .
7 Almost without thinking about it you will be doing more moving around , walking faster , taking stairs without strain , and so on .
8 But what work is it you will be doing ? ’
9 There was no variety at all — you knew exactly what you would be doing at any given moment of the week .
10 Imagine yourself on holiday ; think about where you would be , what you would be doing , the kind of food and drink you 'd be eating and enjoying .
11 And you have some way of , of , of getting in , erm and you have some way of controlling access therefore into toilets , now I do n't know whether that would totally it , overcome the vandal system , but I mean if your saying a pass would n't be any different than a coin you could devise an entrance , so that it was n't , you know , so that what you would be doing is stopping having like the total open access all the time , you know , erm .
12 I think probably that is at completely the other end of the spectrum , and would be stifling the natural growth in North Yorkshire and what you would be doing then is is acting against the erm the inhab the existing inhabitant of North Yorkshire because you would probably be forcing them out of their county .
13 But it should do more these days about practical matters — like the tax system and keeping yourself together while you 're out of work and waiting for the next job , for that is fifty percent of what you 'll be doing .
14 As far as what you could/should be doing with your PC is concerned , keep reading !
15 To make these decisions you will have to do very much what you will be doing during the interview itself .
16 You are responsible for that job and you are identified on the project quality plan check list as to what you will be doing and what other members of the team will be doing .
17 Videos are often available of exercise routines so you can see exactly what you should be doing .
18 For me the most important skill for the instructor is the ability to demonstrate exactly what you should be doing .
19 No one knows why you do it I mean you you know you know what you should be doing , and it 's not difficult it 's just so boring .
20 This is , this is what you should be doing with it really .
21 Now , that 's , that 's what you should be doing each time with these With that in and and that much in sort of
22 It 's right , it 's correct it is minus twelve but I could see you were really not very sure what you should be doing about that , that 's great , you 've found , you 've got that down to there , let's have a little look at the number line , zero , one , two , three and so on , minus one , minus two , minus three , minus four .
23 Getting on with what you should be doing that can only see a few people doing that who are actually getting on with what they should have been doing while you are waiting .
24 I 'm sure that he has not said to you that you can do work other than your religious studies at the moment , so that 's what you should be doing but you say he has and we will check it later .
25 You know you do n't need to tell us and in fact what you should be doing is in fact trying to develop relationships with your local papers and we actually have a very good relationships in Cambridge with our local council whereby it 's not just a matter of , of contacting people during office hours .
26 You sit there , then you get up and you walk to one end of your cell , which is n't very far , stand there for a little while , then you walk back , look out the window , and all the thoughts go through your mind — I could be out there , your children , friends , what you 'd be doing if you was out there .
27 You know , I , I maintain if you 're gardening you 're thinking about work , or you 're not thinking about watering or whatever you should be doing in gardening .
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